Tag Archives: Video Recipe

Dosa with Rice Flour (No Soaking and Grinding)


1.5 cups Rice Flour

¾ Cup Urid Dhal Flour (Black Gram Dhal)

1/8 cup Fenugreek Flour (Methi)

3 Cups water


Dosa Pan

Ghee (clarified butter) – Optional

Water for frying Dosa


Mix all the flours and water to form smooth batter. Not too thin or too thick. Keep it overnight (10 to 12 hours). Just before frying the dosa’s remove the required batter or all of it, add salt. Heat Dosa Pan. Sprinkle water to test the pan. Don’t apply oil to pan. Spread a ladle of batter and then little ghee on to dosa. Close for a minute. Check if dosa is ready (the sides will start coming off the pan). Remove. Have the dosa with white coconut chutney, green chutney, sambhar.

Tuna Cutlets (Easy)

425 gms Tuna Meat (Canned in Spring Water)


1 Onion (medium)

4 green Chillies

1½ inch ginger

6 Cloves Garlic

1 bunch Coriander Leaves

1 Stalk Spring Onions or Onions Leeks

Few mint leaves

All above to be minced fine

2 Eggs

300 gms Potatoes- (boiled and peeled)

1 tsp Pepper Powder

½ tsp Turmeric Powder

1.5 tsp Coriander Powder

1 tsp Garam Masala Powder

½ tsp Turmeric Powder

½ tsp Chilli Powder

1 tsp salt or to taste

Toast Powder (bread crumbs)


Cut open the Tuna Tin and drain all the water. Mash the boiled potatoes. Add the tuna to the mashed potatoes. Mince all the green masala add to the mixture. Add all powders, salt and yolk of egg (reserve the white of egg) and mix together.  Make small balls (if there is excess water, add bread crumbs). Form cutlets in the palms of your hands. Beat the white of egg. Dip the cutlets in white of egg and then Bread Crumbs (if you want crispy cutlets) or only white of egg.

Heat frying pan, add about 6 tbsp oil and shallow fry the cutlets on both sides. Remove to a paper towel to take off excess oil.

Mani (Sweet Dish made from Rice, Coconut Milk & Jaggery)


Mani (Sweet dish made from Rice, Coconut Milk & Jaggery)


½ Kg Raw Rice/Basmati Rice (soaked in water for 2 hours)

1 Coconut (Milk) – taken the traditional way- by grinding the scraped coconut with water and squeezed out the coconut milk. You can also use Maggi or Nestle Coconut Milk Powder. Should have around 1.5 litres of Milk.

Ghee or Clarified Butter

Some pieces of Cashewnuts

Some raisins

Some sliced almonds

400 grams Jaggery (scraped)

Salt  (1.5 tsp New Zealand- not so salty)

1 tsp Cardamon Powder


Grind the rice with coconut milk and mix the remaining coconut milk, Jaggery, Salt. Keep a vessel on  fire, add 3 tablespoons of ghee and pour the mixture in this. Bring to boil, keeping stirring all the time. When it thickens add more ghee and continue stirring. This will take between 30 to 45 minutes. If it starts sticking to the bottom of the vessel add more ghee. When it becomes nice and sticky add the other ingredients – raisins, cashewnuts, almonds & cardamom powder. When the mixture starts leaving the sides of the vessel and the ladle, pour the mixture into trays (previously greased with ghee) and flatter with butter knife. Pour little ghee on top and flatten it. A

Allow it to cool completely and then cut it into diamond shapes and then place it in refrigerator for an hour and serve.

Enjoy this traditional Mangalorean Sweet!!

Beef Cutlets

Meat Cutlets(1)

1 Kg Beef (boneless) – can use Mutton or Lamb


9  green chillies

6 medium onions

3 inch ginger

A few sprigs mint

A bunch coriander leaves

½ Kg medium potatoes (boiled)

2 Eggs

1 tsp pepper powder

A little garam masala (1/2  tsp)

Bread slices 2 to 3  (dipped in water in which meat was boiled and then water to be squeezed out)

Vinegar ( 1 to 2 tbls)

Salt (1.5 tsp) to taste

Breadcrumbs or white of egg ( beaten well )

Oil for frying


Boil the meat. Mince the meat, onions, potatoes, green chillies, ginger, mint, coriander leaves. Add eggs, pepper powder, garam masala, salt, bread slices, vinegar.

Mix well and make lemon sized balls. Form the cutlets and then either roll in breadcrumbs or apply white of egg and then shallow fry the cutlets. When brown (don’t fry on high heat) remove them onto paper towels.