Category Archives: Masala

Salt and chilli paste (meet mirsang)


60 grams of Kashmiri Chillies

40 grams of Red Chillies

1 Pod Garlic

3 Spoons Salt

1 Spoon Cumin Seed or Jeera

Half Cup White Vinegar diluted with another half cup of water

All the above to be ground fine in diluted vinegar. When done, remove and bottle it for future use.

Used in curries, frying fish, for vegetables, frying baja’s or pakoras

Tandoori Masala Powder


1 tblspoon Pepper Corns

3 tblspoon Cumin Seeds

4 tblspoon Coriander Seeds

1 tblspoon Fenugreek Seeds

1 tblspoon Green Cardamom Seeds

1 tblspoon Black Cardamon

2 pieces Turmeric

1 tblspoon cloves

3 piece cinnamon

1 tablespoon mace

All the above to be dry roasted and dry ground along with the below powders

¾ tblspoon Nutmeg Powder

1 tblspoon Garlic Powder

1 tblspoon Ginger Powder

1 tsp salt

After the spices are ground, allow to cool. Then store in airtight container or ziplock bag. Use as required.

Red Chilli Paste


15 Red Kashmiri Chillies (remove seeds if you want less spicy)

½ cup vinegar

1 cup hot water

2 tablespoon Oil


Soak the chillies for an hour, cut into pieces (either with seeds or without) in ½ cup of vinegar and one cup hot water.

Boil the mixture for about 5 minutes. After it has cooled, grind the chillies fine to get a paste. While grinding if you require water, use the water remaining from boiling the chillies.

Use the paste within two days. If you require for longer periods, add

Tablespoons of oil, mix and store in sealed container in refrigerator. This will last for a week or   10 days. If you cook the mixture for 5 minutes, you can then store the cooled mixture in air tight containers in refrigerator. You can even freeze this in small containers and use when required.

Marathi Chicken

Marathi Chicken


1 Big Chicken (1.5 kgs) – cut into medium pieces, wash and marinate with 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp Turmeric Powder and ½ tsp Pepper Powder. Keep overnight or 6 hours.

15 Red Chillies

1 Pod Garlic

2 inch piece Ginger

2 Heaped Tsp Cummin Seeds

1 Tsp Pepper

1 Heaped Tsp Kuskus

3 med pieces Cinnamon

10 cloves

Soak the above in half cup of vinegar overnight or 6 hours.

Grind the above mixture with 2 onions, a tsp of turmeric powderand 3 big tomatoes. Retain the masala water.

Other ingredients:

3 Onions sliced

1 chopped tomato

4 green chillies (split into two)

A handful of raisins

Half cup tomato Ketchup

A bunch of coriander leaves (chopped)

Salt to taste


Heat some oil in a vessel and saute the chicken pieces for sometime to remove the rawness. Remove and keep aside the chicken pieces.

Add more oil if required, a couple of tablespoons. Fry the sliced onions. Do not brown them. Add the ground masala and fry for about half hour. Add the masala water and more water if required. Add the chopped tomato and fry till you have a thick gravy. Add the chicken pieces and also the raisins and green chillies. Add a cup of water and allow the chicken to cook till done. Add 1 to 1.5 tsp salt as required.

Add tomato ketchup and coriander leaves and remove from stove. Serve hot

Masala Peanuts or Groundnuts in Microwave Oven



1 cup raw peanuts with skin

3 tbsp. Gram Flour or Besan

3 tbsp. Rice Flour

1 to 1.5 tsp salt

1 to 1.5 tsp Chilli Powder

½ tsp Garam Masala Powder

½ tsp Amchor Powder or Mango Powder

¼ tsp Asafoetida or Hing

2 tbsp. oil (optional)

Little Water for mixing the flour with peanuts.


Drop the groundnuts in a bowl of water and immediately remove and drain.

In a dry bowl, add and mix all the ingredients except oil and peanuts. Now add the peanuts and mix. Add water little by little and keep mixing. The peanuts should be coated with the batter. This should be dry not watery.

Place the peanuts in a microwavable tray or dish or plate. The peanuts should be separated from one another. You can make in batches. I am doing this here in two batches –one without oil and one with oil. Microwave on high setting for 3 minutes. Remove mix and again microwave for another minute. Remove and allow to cool.

If you want to add oil, do this after the peanuts are coated with flour mixture and then mix well. Then place them on the microwavable plate and microwave.

Enjoy. Snack for all occasions. Remember Spice to taste.

Beef Red Curry Masala

800 gms of Beef cut into cubes

1 Onion sliced and chopped into big pieces

2 tsp Kashmiri Chilli Powder

2 tsp Coriander Powder

1 tsp Pepper Powder

1 tsp Cumin Powder

1 Tsp Garam Masala Powder

1.5 tsp salt

Paste of Ginger (2 inches), Garlic (5 cloves), 4 green chillies

3 tomatoes chopped

¾ cup Yoghurt

Few curry leaves

A bunch Coriander leaves chopped


Fry chopped in 3 to 4 tbsp oil. Add the green masala paste and fry for a minute. Add all the powders and salt. Fry for 3 minutes. Add the tomatoes and fry for further 5 minutes. Then add the beef cubes and fry for 10 minutes. Add yoghurt and curry leaves, mix well and add one cup of water. Cook on slow fire for 45 minutes. Add coriander leaves and put off the flame.

Have with bread, chapatti or rice.

Spicy Chicken Livers Dry



500 gms Chicken Livers


12 Dry Red Chillies

5 Seeds Garlic

1 tsp Cumin seeds

¾ tsp Turmeric Powder

Small Ball Tamarind

12  pepper corns

Two sticks cinnamon

5 cloves

All the above ingredients to be ground fine in water.

1 Onion Chopped

15 Curry Leaves

1/2 scraped Coconut

Vinegar ( 1 to 2 tbls)

Salt (1.5 tsp) to taste

Chopped coriander leaves few stalks.


Clean and Cut Chicken Livers into 2 to 3 pieces each, wash well and boil the pieces with a little salt, 1 tsp pepper powder, ½ tsp turmeric powder, 2 tblsp vinegar and one cup water.

Grind and remove the masala and reserve the masala water.

Fry 4 tablespoons of the ground masala. Add the scraped coconut and fry till you get the fried coconut aroma. Remove the coconut.

Heat two tablespoons oil and add curry leaves and then fry the chopped onion. When brown add the ground masala and fry till dry. Add the masala water and again fry till nearly dry. Now add boiled chicken liver pieces and fry till they are coated with the masala. Now add the boiled water, vinegar, salt and allow to cook till the meat is nearly dry.

Check for salt and vinegar- add if required. Add the fried scraped coconut and mix well. Add chopped coriander leaves. Mix and remove from flame.


Prawns Gassi




700 gms (40 to 50)Prawns – Shelled, deveined, washed and drained

Marinate with 1 tsp salt, ¾ tsp Turmeric powder, juice of one lime and place in  refrigerator for 30 minutes


7 Kashmiri Chillies

½ tsp pepper corns

½ tsp Fenugreek (methi) seeds

3 tsp coriander seeds

1 tsp cumin seeds

All above to be dry roasted

1 roughly chopped Onion

6 cloves garlic

1 cup fresh scraped coconut

1/2 tsp Turmeric powder

Small ball tamarind


For Curry

1 finely chopped Onion

1 tsp red chilli powder

2 sliced green chillies

Few curry leaves (10)

Coriander leaves small bunch

Oil 2 tbsp.




Fry the roughly chopped onion in 1 tsp oil till slightly brown. Grind the fried onion along with roasted masala, garlic, turmeric, tamarind, coconut. Use water for grinding. Grind into smooth paste.

In a deep pan or vessel, add oil and fry finely chopped onion. Add 1 tsp salt. Fry till slightly brown and then add curry leaves. Fry till rawness goes. Add red chilli powder and fry for a minute. Add the ground masala till oil oozes out. Add masala water and enough water to form a thickish curry. Add sliced green chillies and boil for 2 minutes. Then add the marinated prawns, mix well and cook for 4 to 5 minutes. Check for salt and vinegar. Garnish with coriander leaves.

This can be had with Neer Dosa (Rice Pancakes) or Appams or Sannas or plain cooked rice.



Lamb or Mutton Masala


600 Mutton or Lamb



½ tsp turmeric powder

½ tsp Red Chilli Powder

½ tsp Coriander Powder

Salt to taste (3/4 tsp)


6 Tbsp Dexter’s Meat Masala Paste (see Video)

Other ingredients:

One sprig curry leaves

½ Chopped Onion

½ tsp Salt

2 Small Sliced Tomatoes

Few Stalks Chopped Coriander Leaves

4 to 6 boiled eggs



Cut the Lamb or Mutton into medium pieces (wash and drain) and marinate with the marinade ingredients for at least 30 mins.

Heat 2 tbsps. of oil in a pan and add the marinated Lamb or Mutton pieces and fry till the meat is slightly browned (seal the meat). Transfer to a pressure cooker and cooked the meat (6 whistles). Separate the meat pieces and gravy.

Add the 2 tbsps. oil and add chopped Onion and salt. Fry till onions are brown. Add 6 Tbsps. of Dexter’s Meat Masala Paste and sliced tomatoes and fry till masala attains a brown colour and oil oozes out from mixture. Add the Lamb or Mutton. Add water (Preferably the boiled meat water). The consistency of gravy should be slightly thick. Add curry leaves. Mix well and Add boiled eggs. Mix well and cook for a couple of minutes. Garnish with Coriander leaves and remove from fire.

Lamb or Mutton Ghee (Clarified Butter) Roast



600 Mutton or Lamb



½ tsp turmeric powder

½ tsp Red Chilli Powder

½ tsp Coriander Powder

Salt to taste (3/4 tsp)


6 Tbsp Dexter’s Meat Masala Paste (see Video)

Other ingredients:

7 Tbsps Ghee

One sprig curry leaves



Cut the Lamb or Mutton into medium pieces (wash and drain) and marinate with the marinade ingredients for at least 30 mins.

Heat 2 tbsps of the ghee in a pan and add the marinated Lamb or Mutton pieces and fry till the meat is slightly browned (seal the meat). Transfer to a pressure cooker and cooked the meat (6 whistles). Separate the meat pieces and gravy.

Add the 4 tbsps ghee and add 6 Tbsps of Dexter’s Meat masala Paste to the pan and fry till rawness goes and oil comes out of the mixture. Add little of the gravy and cook further till the get a brown colour. Add water if required (preferably the boiled meat water). The consistency of gravy should be slightly thick. Add the Lamb or Mutton and salt to taste. Mix well and Cook till water dries up. Add 1 tbsp ghee, mix well.

Garnish with curry leaves and remove from fire.