Category Archives: Beetroot Halwa

Beetroot Halwa

Beetroot Halwa


2 Kilos of Beetroot Pulp (after extracting for wine) or 2.5 Kgs of Beetroot (cut, peeled and grated).

650 gms of Sugar

2 Cups of Milk

8 spoons of Ghee or clarified Butter

Few almonds (cut into thin slices)

Few Cashewnuts

Cardamom Powder


In a deep pan, add 2 spoons ghee and fry the cashew nuts lightly and remove. Then repeat the process with Almonds. Add the Beetroot pulp or grated beetroot. Add 2 more spoons ghee and cook till the rawness of the beetroot goes. Already boiled beetroot for wine will progress to next stage faster. When the beetroot has lost its rawness add the milk and on slow fire allow to cook. Keep stirring so it does not stick to bottom. After the milk has evaporated and beetroot has become soft add sugar and mix. The sugar will dissolve and you will get some more liquid. Add 4 spoons of ghee and cardamom powder and mix and fry well till the mixture comes together. Add the fried cashew nuts and almonds. Mix and remove.