Category Archives: Diwali

Xmas Sweets (Kuswar) – Chaklies or Murukku



1 Kilo Rice Flour

100 gms Urid Dhal Flour (lightly Roasted)

1 Spoon Sesame Seeds (lightly roasted)

2.5 tbls hot oil or 100 gms of Melted Butter

1 Spoon Ajwain or Ovam

1 Spoon Chilli Powder

1.5 tsp salt

½ Tsp Asafoetida or Hing

Water for Dough

Oil for deep frying


Mix all the ingredients and form a dough. Keep aside for two hours. Using a form press (chakli form) press spirals onto newspapers or butter paper.

Heat oil and deep fry the chaklies. The dough can be pressed directly into oil. Remove and allow to cool before storing in air tight containers.

Xmas or Diwali Snack – Karakadi



300 Gms Gram Flour or Besan

1 Tbsp Chilli Powder (flat)

1 Tbsp Cumin Seeds or Jeera ( do not add jeera if making thin sev…will not go through the mould)

¼ tsp pepper powder

¼ tsp garam masala powder or spice powder

1 tsp salt or to taste


Oil for greasing the Mould Press

Oil for deep frying


Mix all with little water into a thick dry paste. Use a mould with medium to large holes. For thin sev use one with smallest holes. Heat sufficient oil in a deep kadai or pan. When oil is hot, press the mould press to drop the batter directly into oil. Fry till golden brown. Remove into perforated vessel. When cool break into required sized pieces and store in airtight containers.