Category Archives: Fry



13 Medium Sardines cleaned and washed


1 tsp Salt

2 tsp Chilli Powder

1 tsp Turmeric Powder

4 tblsp Vinegar.

5 tblsp oil for frying


Make the salt and chilli paste by mixing the powders, salt and vinegar. Apply to fish and leave for 30 minutes. Heat a pan and add oil. When hot add the sardines to pan and shallow fry them. About 5 minutes on one side and 3 minutes on other. The sardines will be nice and crisp. You can eat it whole with head and bones.

Serve with salad of onion, green chilli and vinegar.



900 gms of Beef cut into cubes, 1 tsp of Salt, 2 tsp of Pepper Powder, 1 tsp of turmeric powder and little vinegar. To be pressure cooked for 15 minutes.


Heat a pan and add 2 tablespoons of oil. When hot add 2 sliced onions and fry for 2 minutes. Add 12 chopped garlic, 2 inches of chopped ginger and 3 chopped green chillies. Fry two minutes and add 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 2 tsps pepper powder. Mix and add 3 chopped tomatoes. Fry for two minutes and add boiled meat. Add 1 tsp of pepper powder and 1 tsp of garam masala powder. Add all the boiled meat gravy and continue frying till dry (if dry version) or stop when the gravy is slightly thicker (for gravy version). Sprinkle with a bunch of chopped coriander leaves.

You can add a couple of potatoes, cut into small cubes and boiled. Add when you add the boiled meat gravy (this is optional)



1/2 Kg Prawns (used Tiger Prawns) peeled, deveined and washed. I cut them into two bits length they are too big. You can use shrimps and need not cut into pieces.

Grind: 6 Cloves Garlic, 1 inch ginger, 1 tsp red chilli powder, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 1 tsp coriander powder, 1 tsp garam masala powder, 1/2 tsp salt and little lime juice. Make a paste and apply to the Prawns and keel aside for at least 20 minutes.

1.5 Large Chopped Onions

6 green chillies Sliced

20 curry leaves

1 sprig of coriander leaves for garnishing

Keep a deep pan and add 3 tblsps of oil and when hot add the chopped onions. When brown add the sliced green chillies and fry till they brown. Add 1/2 tsp Red chilli powder, 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder, 1/2 salt. Mix well and fry.

Add mixture of marinated prawns, mix well and fry for 3 minutes. Add the masala water and then cover and cook for another 3 minutes. Now open the lid and keep frying till dry. Add curry leaves and continue frying. Add 1/2 tsp garam masala powder and 1/2 tsp coriander powder. Add chopped coriander leaves, mix well and remove from flame

Patrade (Shredded leaves Method) and Fried Slices

Patrade Fried (1)


6 Allu or Colococia Leaves

2 Cups of boiled or ponni rice

1/4 cup raw rice

2 tblsp Urid Dhal (black gram)

Wash and Soak the rice and dhal in water for 6 hours

5 Red Chillies

½ tsp Turmeric Powder

1 tsp Cumin Seeds

A small ball Tamarind

1.5 tsp Salt


At the back of the leaves, cut the thick remaining stalk and spine of the leaf. Roll and cut fine into thin shreds.

Drain the soaked rice and dhal. Grind along with chillies, turmeric powder, cumin seeds, tamarind, salt and water to form a thick batter. Add to the cut Allu leaves and mix well. Place some quantity on a baking paper or banana leaves and fold the sides to form thick cakes. Make as many as you can.

Heat up a steamer or tondoor (with water in the bottom section). Place the rolls in the top section and steam for 60 minutes. Remove and allow to cool. Use to either fry them or can add to mutton or chicken curry.

Fried: Once it has cooled cut a cake into thick slices. Make a paste of salt, chilli powder, turmeric, vinegar and water (Salt and Chilli Paste- see my video on youtube). Apply lightly to the sliced pieces and shallow fry on each side to get crisp Patrade Slices.

Batata Wada and Spicy Green Chutney

Video link:


1.5 kg or 500 gms Potatoes (Boiled, Peeled and Mashed)

Below ingredients for tempering to be added to the mashed potatoes

1 tsp or ¼ tsp mustard seeds

15 or 5 Curry leaves (roughly Chopped)

6 or 2 green chillies (chopped fine)

2 tblsp or 1 tsp ginger garlic paste (2 inch or 1 inch ginger, 10 or 5 cloves garlic)

½ or ¼ tsp turmeric powder

Salt 1 tsp or ¼ tsp

2 tblsp Oil or 2 tsp Oil

2 stalks or few Coriander leaves to be added direct to mixture (roughly chopped)

Batter for Dipping the Mashed Potato Balls

400 gms or 150 gms Channa Flour or Chickpea flour or Gramflour

1 tsp or ½ tsp chilli powder

½ or ¼ tsp cumin powder

Salt 1 tsp or ¼ tsp

Water to make thick batter

¼ or a pinch Baking Soda or Soda Bicarobonate

Spicy Green Chutney

Large Bunch Coriander Leaves

Around 20 mint leaves

12 green chillies

1 tsp ginger garlic paste

Juice of one lemon or two limes

Half cup of raw peanuts with skin.

Salt ½ tsp

Water to make thickish chutney


Heat the oil for tempering in a pan and when hot add the mustard seeds. When they crackle add the curry leaves. Then rest of the ingredients for tempering. Cook for a minute and then add the mixture to mashed potatoes. Add the chopped coriander leaves too and mix well. (If the mixture is watery, you can correct this by cooking the mixture in a pan to let the water evaporate. Don’t allow to burn ). Check salt and make lime sized balls.

Prepare the batter (thick batter not watery). Add the mashed potatoes balls to the batter and coat the balls with the batter. Add oil to a deep pan or wok and heat it.  When hot add the battered mashed potatoes balls one by one into the oil. The flame should be medium. When the battered balls turn golden brown remove them into a perforated vessel or onto paper towels. The sound of the wada dropping onto the plate should be heavy not soft. This will show that they are cooked properly. Prepare the batata wadas in batches.


Grind all the spicy green chutney in a grinder or blender. Check for salt. Remove to serving bowl.

Eating these

Can be had plain, can be eaten with chutney. This is a delicacy in Mumbai- Small buns are opened up and the wada along with chutney is placed inside the bun and eaten. This is known as Wada Pav.

Lamb or Mutton Ghee (Clarified Butter) Roast



600 Mutton or Lamb



½ tsp turmeric powder

½ tsp Red Chilli Powder

½ tsp Coriander Powder

Salt to taste (3/4 tsp)


6 Tbsp Dexter’s Meat Masala Paste (see Video)

Other ingredients:

7 Tbsps Ghee

One sprig curry leaves



Cut the Lamb or Mutton into medium pieces (wash and drain) and marinate with the marinade ingredients for at least 30 mins.

Heat 2 tbsps of the ghee in a pan and add the marinated Lamb or Mutton pieces and fry till the meat is slightly browned (seal the meat). Transfer to a pressure cooker and cooked the meat (6 whistles). Separate the meat pieces and gravy.

Add the 4 tbsps ghee and add 6 Tbsps of Dexter’s Meat masala Paste to the pan and fry till rawness goes and oil comes out of the mixture. Add little of the gravy and cook further till the get a brown colour. Add water if required (preferably the boiled meat water). The consistency of gravy should be slightly thick. Add the Lamb or Mutton and salt to taste. Mix well and Cook till water dries up. Add 1 tbsp ghee, mix well.

Garnish with curry leaves and remove from fire.

Gobi 65



300 gms Cauliflower cut into medium Florets


3 tsp Chilli Powder

1 tsp ginger garlic paste

Few coriander leaves – chopped fine (two stalks)

Few curry leaves – chopped fine (15)

Salt to taste (1/2 tsp)

1 tsp garam masala powder

4 tbsps Corn Flour

1 tbsp All Purpose Flour (Maida)

2 tbsp Rice Flour

2 tbsp Lime Juice

Water to mix


½ tsp of Chilli Powder

½ tsp of Garam Masala Powder

20 curry leaves

2 sliced green chillies

Oil for frying



Wash the Cauliflower Florets. Place in a vessel. Sprinkle ¼ tsp Turmeric Powder and ½ tsp salt. Pour hot water over the cauliflower to cover them. Keep for 5 Minutes. Drain and keep aside.

Prepare the marinade. The batter should be thick. Add the cauliflower florets. Mix and marinate for 10 mins.

Heat oil in a deep pan and fry the cauliflower florets. Fry in batches.  Remove and keep aside. In another pan add two table spoons oil. When hot add the curry leaves and sliced green chillies. Fry till crisp . Now add 1/2 tsp chilli powder and ½ tsp garam masala powder to the pan, fry for 30 secs. Mix and add the fried Cauliflower Florets. Toss and mix well- fry for a couple of minutes. That’s it. Gobi 65.

Spicy Crunchy Prawns, (Prawns Koliwada)




700 gms (35 to 40)Prawns – Shelled, deveined, washed and drained

Make a marinade of the below in a bowl:

1.5 tsp Kashmiri Chilli Powder

1 Tsp Coriander Powder

1 tsp Salt

1 tsp Turmeric Powder

1 tsp garlic paste

1 tsp ginger paste

2 tsp oil

2 tsp lime juice

Mix prawns in above and keep aside for 20 minutes

Add to the above:

½ cup Chick Peas Flour (Gram Flour)

2 tbsp Rice Flour

1 tsp Kashmiri Chilli Powder

½ tsp Salt

2 tbsp Yoghurt

Little water

Mix well to coat the prawns. The batter should not be thin.

In a deep pan, heat sufficient oil to deep fry the prawns. Do not overcrowd the pan. Fry in batches. Fry till the prawns are golden brown. Place the fried prawns on paper towels to absorb oil.

In a serving plate, place the fried prawns on one side to take up 3rd of the plate. Slice an onion very thin and spread the slices on the ¼ part of the plate. Slice a couple of green chillies and place them on top of the onion slices. Sprinkle pinch of salt and lime juice on the onion and chilli slices. Sprinkle little lime juice on the fried prawns and if you have, sprinkle some chaat masala (powder) on top of the Fried Prawns.

A very good appetizer!! Enjoy!!

Chicken Pepper Fry



1/2 Kg Boneless Chicken ( Thighs or Breast) cut into medium cubes


2 tsp Pepper Powder

2 inch ginger paste

8  garlic cloves paste

1 tsp turmeric powder

Salt to taste (1 tsp)

3 tbsps Corn Flour

2 tbsp Vinegar or juice of lime


5 Cloves

2 piece Cinnamon Stick

5 Pepper Corns

3 Cardamon pods

1 Chopped Onion

30 curry leaves

1 Bunch Coriander Leaves

Juice of one lime

Oil for frying


Clean and cut chicken into medium pieces. Prepare the marinade and add the chicken pieces. Mix and marinate for at least 30 mins in the refrigerator.

Heat oil in a deep pan and fry the chicken pieces. Don’t fry too long or the chicken will be crusty. Remove and keep aside. In the same pan (removing the excess oil) or in another pan add three table spoons oil. When hot add half of the curry leaves. Fry till crisp and remove. Now fry the whole garam masala for 30 secs and then add the remaining curry leaves and fry till rawness goes. Add the chopped onion and 1 tsp salt. Fry till onions are brown. Add the fried chicken pieces. Toss and mix well. Add the lime juice- fry for 4 to 5 minutes till the chicken pieces are coated with fried onion. Now add the fried curry leaves and mix. Take of flame, add chopped coriander leaves and mix. Serve.

Chicken 65 Dry and with Gravy


Video Link


1/2 Kg Boneless Chicken ( Thighs or Breast) cut into medium cubes


1.5 tsp Kashmiri Chilli Powder

2 inch ginger paste

10  garlic cloves paste

1 tsp turmeric powder

3 tbsps yoghurt

Salt to taste (1.5 tsp)

1 egg

1 tsp pepper powder

½ tsp garam masala powder

4 tbsps Corn Flour

2 tbsp Vinegar

2 tbsp of oil


1 tsp of Kashmiri Chilli Powder

50 curry leaves

5 sliced green chillies

Oil for frying

For Gravy

Remaining Marinade, if not enough quantity add 2 to 3 spoons yoghurt and salt to taste.

2 tbsp tomato sauce

Coriander leaves


Clean and cut chicken into medium pieces. Prepare the marinade and add the chicken pieces. Mix and marinate for at least 30 mins in the refrigerator.

Heat oil in a deep pan and fry the chicken pieces. Don’t fry too long or the chicken will be crusty. Remove and keep aside. In the same pan (removing the excess oil) or in another pan add three table spoons oil. When hot add the curry leaves and sliced green chillies. Fry till crisp and remove. Now add 1 tsp Kashmiri chilli powder to the pan, fry for 30 secs and then add the fried curry leaves and green chillies. Mix and add the fried chicken pieces. Toss and mix well- fry for a couple of minutes. That’s it. Chicken 65 Dry

If you want gravy, after you have fried the chilli powder and added the fried curry leaves add the marinade. If the marinade is not sufficient than add 2 to 3 table spoons of yoghurt. Salt to taste, a little cornflour, 2 tbsp tomato sauce and mix. Fry for 2 minutes. Add water if required. Then add the fried chicken pieces. Mix and fry for 2 minutes. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves. Chicken 65 with gravy