Category Archives: sauce preparation



800 gms of Boneless Chicken cuts into 1 inch cubes.

Marinate with 3 tablespoons of Soy Sauce and 2 Tablespoons of Oyster Sauce. Keep it overnight in refrigerator.

3 Capsicum cut into strips

1 Onion sliced

1 Pod Garlic Sliced

1 inch ginger sliced

3 sliced green chillies


In a pressure Pan, add 3 tablespoons of coconut oil or any oil. Add 1 sliced onion. 1 Pod sliced garlic, 1 inch sliced ginger, 3 sliced green chillies, add Capsicum fry for a couple of minutes and remove.

To the same pressure pan add marinated chicken, fry for 3 minutes, add 1/4 cup water and pressure cook for 4 whistles.

In a Pan fry 3 potatoes (300 gms) peeled and cut into fingers and applied little salt.

Open the pressure pan and continue cooking till water has evaporated and the gravy thickens

Heat up a deep pan and add the chicken pieces and veg mixture. Add 3 tsps of pepper powder, mix well. Add fried potatoes and mix well. Garnish with Coriander leaves.



1.5 KG Chicken Pieces


1/4 Cup Dark Soy Sauce

4 tblsp Light Soy Sauce

4 tblsp Worcestershire Sauce

4 tblsp Oyster Sauce

3 Big Onions cut into medium cubes

2.5 inches ginger chopped

3 green chillies chopped

1.5 pod garlic chopped

3 Green Capsicum cut into cubes

A sprig Curry Leaves ( Optional)

Few coriander leaves for garnishing.


Mix the Chicken Pieces in the marinade and place in refrigerator overnight or at least 3 hours.

Place a pan on stove and add 4 tblsp of oil. When hot add garlic, ginger and green chillies and fry for a couple of minutes. Now add the onions and fry till the onions become slightly brown. Now add the marinated chicken pieces. Mix and fry well, continuing stir frying the chicken and green masala till the Chicken get sealed. If required add more dark soy sauce. Now close with a lid and cook the chicken till 3/4 done.

Now add the Capsicum and Curry Leaves. Mix well and cook for some more time till the chicken is fully cooked. (when the flesh from the chicken legs leaves the bone near the joint, a sign that the chicken has cooked). Now add chopped coriander leaves and then put off the flame.

Mussels Grilled Japanese Style

Mussells Grilled Japanese Style


20 Live Mussels or Frozen Packaged Mussels in half shells

Method for Live Mussels:

Clean the mussels under water and take off the beard if any. Scrub off the direct and wash them. If any of the mussels are already opened, tap them and see if they close. If not throw them away. Wash the mussels and then steam them in a little water. Place water in a vessel and the mussels in a colander over the water. When it steams the mussels open. If they do not open throw them away. You can also steam them in a little water with the lid of the vessel closed. When steam starts escaping from the lid the mussels would have opened. Use the stock for soup.

Open the mussels and then discard one of the shells. Remove the meat from the other shell, remove any beard or dirt and place it back in the shell. Do this for the rest of the mussels.

Preparing Sauce:

In a bowl pour half a cup of the Mayonnaise and add 2 tablespoon of Shiracha chilli sauce. Add 2 tablespoon of chopped green onion or spring onions. Mix well.

Grill Tray:

Place the half shell mussel either fresh or packaged one’s on a baking tray. Pour in one tablespoon of the sauce on top of each mussel. Place the tray under a grill in the oven. Grill at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes.

Remove and serve with lemon wedges.

Chicken Boneless Thighs Wet Snack

2016-04-23 11.37.06

1 Kilo Boneless Chicken Thighs (excess fat removed and cut into 2 inch pieces )



2 Eggs (beaten)

3 Tbsps Corn Starch

1 tsp Pepper

1 tsp salt


3 Tbsps Soy Sauce

2 Tbsps Chillie Sauce

1 Tbsp Sesame Oil

1 Tbsp Vinegar

1 Tbsp Corn Starch

6 cloves Garlic

2 inches Ginger

1 Tbsp Brown Sugar

1/3 cup Water (if required)


4 Tbsps oil for Frying.


Mix chicken pieces in the prepared marinade and keep aside for 10 minutes.

Prepare sauce and keep aside.

Placer a deep pan and when hot add oil. Add Marinated chicken pieces and fry till golden brown. Fry in batches if required. Pour back all fried chicken into pan and then add the prepared sauce. Mix well for chicken pieces to coat well. Put off the flame as it starts thickening and remove from stove (if electric).