Category Archives: Chicken Livers

Spicy Chicken Livers Dry



500 gms Chicken Livers


12 Dry Red Chillies

5 Seeds Garlic

1 tsp Cumin seeds

¾ tsp Turmeric Powder

Small Ball Tamarind

12  pepper corns

Two sticks cinnamon

5 cloves

All the above ingredients to be ground fine in water.

1 Onion Chopped

15 Curry Leaves

1/2 scraped Coconut

Vinegar ( 1 to 2 tbls)

Salt (1.5 tsp) to taste

Chopped coriander leaves few stalks.


Clean and Cut Chicken Livers into 2 to 3 pieces each, wash well and boil the pieces with a little salt, 1 tsp pepper powder, ½ tsp turmeric powder, 2 tblsp vinegar and one cup water.

Grind and remove the masala and reserve the masala water.

Fry 4 tablespoons of the ground masala. Add the scraped coconut and fry till you get the fried coconut aroma. Remove the coconut.

Heat two tablespoons oil and add curry leaves and then fry the chopped onion. When brown add the ground masala and fry till dry. Add the masala water and again fry till nearly dry. Now add boiled chicken liver pieces and fry till they are coated with the masala. Now add the boiled water, vinegar, salt and allow to cook till the meat is nearly dry.

Check for salt and vinegar- add if required. Add the fried scraped coconut and mix well. Add chopped coriander leaves. Mix and remove from flame.