Category Archives: Xmas Sweets (KUSWAR)



310 gms Rice Powder (10gms for dusting the ladoos at the end)

150 gms Jaggery (natural)

100 gms desiccated Coconut or scraped Coconut

1/4 tsp Cardamom Powder

2 tablespoon Seasame Seeds

1.5 tblsp of Ghee


Dry roast the rice powder, stirring ontinously until it becomes slightly brown (about 5 minutes), when bottom becomes slightly brown. Remove to a mixing bowl and then dry roast the sesame seeds.Remove and add to rice powder. Add Cardamom powder. Now add two tblsp ghee to pan and add jaggery. When the jaggery starts melting add about three tblsp of water and continue stirring till you get a sticky syrup.( Drop a drop or drops of the syrup into a small bowl of cold water. When you remove the blop of jaggery it should be sticky to touch). Add desiccated coconut or scraped coconut to syrup and mix. Put off the flame. Drop the whole mixture to the bowl of rice powder and mix well.

Take sufficient quantity to make a ladoo and form into a ball. Press hard otherwise when you finally form the ladoo into a ball it will crumble. Apply little ghee on your palms. Now roll each ladoo to form a round and smooth ladoo.

Finally roll the ladoo’s in the reserved rice powder and remove. Store the ladoos in airtight container to be consumed in three or four days or store in refrigerator ( for longer lasting). Enjoy!! 20 ladoo’s



200 gms Boiled Rice

200 gms Idli Rice

180 gms Jaggery Powder or scraped Jaggery

1 Can (400 ml) of Coconut Milk

1/4 tsp Cardamom Powder

1 Pinch of Nutmeg Powder

1/4 tsp Salt

Sufficient oil to fill half a deep pan for frying (veg oil or coconut oil)


Wash and soak the rice for 4 hours. Drain and grind along with jaggery, coconut milk, cardamom powder, nutmeg powder and salt

Pour the batter into a deep non-stick pan and on slow fire allow the batter to thicken stirring all the time. When the moisture in the batter has dried up and the batter forms into a dough, remove into a tray. Knead and start making gulio or rice marbles by applying little ghee on your palms and with a small piece between your palms make a circular motion.

After all the dough is used up to form gulio, place a deep pan and add sufficient oil (about half the pan) to fry the gulio. When oil is hot, reduce heat and add the gulios. Fry for about 4 to 5 minutes, when they turn brown remove to a perforated vessel or paper towels. When the gulios or rice marbles cool they will be crunchy.

Store in a air tight container.



400 gms Sesame Seeds or Til (hulled)

400 gms Natural Jaggery or Chikki Jaggery

1/2 tsp Cardamom Powder

3 tsp of Ghee

Bowl of water


On low heat roast the sesame seeds in a deep pan for about 4 minutes, stirring continuously. Do not allow it to burn. Transfer the sesame seeds to another vessel. In the same pan, add 2 tsp ghee and the jaggery. When the jaggery melts and starts to froth, check if the jaggery syrup is ready. To test drop a couple of drops of the syrup into the bowl of water. Remove the jaggery from the bowl and test with your fingers. It should form a flexible ball.

Remove the pan from flame and add the sesame seeds and mix well. Sprinkle cardamom powder and mix. Immediately start preparing the ladoos. Dip you hands in the bowl of water and then remove a small quantity and then make it into a ball with your palms and fingers. Again apply little ghee to your palms and then finish the ladoo by rolling the semi finished ball in your palms.

The ladoos have to be formed quickly or the mixture will dry up as it cools. If it dries up, place the pan again on the stove and heat up. It looses and then form the remaining ladoos.

After they have cooled down, store in air tight containers. Enjoy.