Category Archives: Traditional Mangalorean



500 grams Prawns (cleaned and marinated with 1/2 tsp chilli powder, 1/4 tsp turmeric powder, 1/2 tsp salt and 1 tbsp vinegar for 30 minutes)


3 Onions Chopped

6 Cloves Garlic Crushed

1 inch ginger chopped

1 Sprig Curry Leaves

1 bunch chopped coriander leaves

3 chopped tomatoes

1 heaped tsp of Chilli Powder

1 heaped tsp of Coriander Powder

1/2 tsp of turmeric powder

2 heaped tsp of Coconut oil

1.5 lemon sized tamarind immersed in warm water (to obtain tamarind water)


Place a pan on stove and add the coconut oil. When the coconut oil is hot add the crushed garlic. Fry till the garlic becomes slightly brown, then add curry leaves and fry for 30 seconds. Then add the chopped onions and ginger. Fry for a minute and add the chopped tomatoes and powders.

Mix and cook on slow flame for 10 minutes. Now add the marinated prawns, tamarind water and 1/2 tsp salt. Mix well and cook on slow flame for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle chopped coriander leaves and mix well. Remove from flame.



900 grams of Shark (skin removed, with bones) cut into small pieces


1 Onion

10 Pepper corns

1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds

1/2 Tsp Mustard Seeds

1/2 tsp of Turmeric Powder

12 Kashmiri Chilles

10 cloves garlic

Grind add two tablespoon vinegar and water to a paste. Reserve the masala water.


3 tablespoons Oil

4 cloves crushed garlic


Heat a pan and add 3 tablespoons of oil. Add crushed garlic. Fry for 45 seconds and add the masala paste. Close and fry on slow flame for 10 minutes. Add masala water. 3/4 tsp Salt and 3 tablespoons vinegar. Bring to Boil and add the fish pieces and let it cook for 5 minutes. Remove from flame.



1 bunch of Spinach Leaves, chopped

1 cup of Jackfruit Seeds (boil in little water and remove covering, cut into bits). Boil for 30 minutes


10 red chillies dry roasted

1.5 spoon coriander seeds dry roasted

1 tsp of cumin seed or jeera dry roasted

1 tsp of mustard seeds dry roasted

1 cup of scraped coconut, roasted slightly

1/2 tsp turmeric powder

little tamarind

half onion

3 cloves garlic

Grind the above ingredients in little water to make a paste


Heat a pan and add two spoons oil. When hot add 1 tsp mustard seeds. Add half chopped onion and 1 sprig curry leaves. Fry for a minute and add ground masala. Add Spinach, Jackfruit seeds and 1 tsp salt. Mix well and cook for 5 minutes. Ready.

Rice pancakes (panpole)


750 grams of Basmati Rice

Salt to taste


Soak the rice for 12 hours. Grind with water and little salt. It should be watery consistency. Should not be thick.

Heat up a pan. Brush little oil. When it is hot, pour a ladle of batter into the pan and twirl the pan for the batter to cover the whole pan. Cover with lid and let it fry for a couple of minutes. Use a metal spatula to remove and place it on plate and wait for it to cool down.

Fold the pancake into half and then again into quarter.

Same pancakes can be used for a Pancake Tuesday Pancake or Shrove Tuesday Pancakes. Make a mixture of Scraped Jaggery and Scraped Coconut. Once the panpole has been removed from Pan and placed on a plate, spread a little of the coconut/jaggery mixture across the panpole. Now fold in the edges a little and then roll the panpole. Your Shrove Tuesday Pancake is ready

Turmeric Leaves Patholi or Steamed Sweet Rice Cakes

Turmeric Leaves Patholi


15 Turmeric Leaves

2 cups of boiled rice or ponni rice. Washed and soaked in water overnight.

Scraped Coconut

Scraped Jaggery

½ tsp Cardamom Powder

1 pinch nutmeg powder



Grind the rice with little salt in little water to form thick batter. Make a mixture of scraped coconut and jaggery (to taste). Add cardamom powder and nutmeg powder to mixture and keep aside. Apply the paste to a leaf (face of the leaf) very thinly. Leave 1 cm at the sides dry. Place a little of the mixture along the spine of the leaf. Fold the leaf and keep aside. Repeat this to all the leaves

Heat up a steamer or tondoor (with water in the bottom section). Place the rolls in the top section and steam for 30 minutes. Remove and allow to cool. Peel and enjoy the rice cakes.

Pathrade in Mutton Curry

Patrade Mutton Curry


2 Cakes of Steamed Pathrade Shredded and steam (cut into slices) – see my recipe to get this.

½ Kilo Mutton or Lamb cut into small pieces

1 Can Coconut Milk (425 ml)- ¼ use as thick. Remaining add a cup water to form thin juice.

5 Red Chillies

1 flat tblsp chilli powder

¼ tsp mustard seeds

5 pepper corns

1 tsp cumin seeds

1tsp Turmeric Powder

2 cloves garlic

A small ball Tamarind

1 tsp boiled rice

1 tblsp coriander seeds

1.5 tsp Salt

2 tblsp ghee or clarified butter

6 spoons of scraped coconut

1 sliced onion for Masala

1 sliced onion for cooking


Boil the mutton in 2 to 3 thin coconut and 1 tsp of salt till well cooked. Roast the ingredients one by one and remove (except chilli, turmeric powder and tamarind). Fry the coconut along with onion and garlic, when half done add the chilli and turmeric powder and fry till you get a good aroma. Roast the boiled rice and remove. Grind all together along with tamarind using thin coconut juice.

Place a deep vessel on stove. Heat two tblsps ghee and when hot add the sliced onion. When onion turns slightly brown add the ground masala and fry for some time (5 Minutes). Add boiled mutton and gravy. Add masala water. Cook for sometime (3 minutes). Add thick coconut juice and salt to taste. Mix well and bring to boil. The gravy should not be thick. The pathrade will absorb the gravy, so keep it slightly thin. Add the pathrade slices and bring to boil and put off.