Marathi Chicken

Marathi Chicken


1 Big Chicken (1.5 kgs) – cut into medium pieces, wash and marinate with 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp Turmeric Powder and ½ tsp Pepper Powder. Keep overnight or 6 hours.

15 Red Chillies

1 Pod Garlic

2 inch piece Ginger

2 Heaped Tsp Cummin Seeds

1 Tsp Pepper

1 Heaped Tsp Kuskus

3 med pieces Cinnamon

10 cloves

Soak the above in half cup of vinegar overnight or 6 hours.

Grind the above mixture with 2 onions, a tsp of turmeric powderand 3 big tomatoes. Retain the masala water.

Other ingredients:

3 Onions sliced

1 chopped tomato

4 green chillies (split into two)

A handful of raisins

Half cup tomato Ketchup

A bunch of coriander leaves (chopped)

Salt to taste


Heat some oil in a vessel and saute the chicken pieces for sometime to remove the rawness. Remove and keep aside the chicken pieces.

Add more oil if required, a couple of tablespoons. Fry the sliced onions. Do not brown them. Add the ground masala and fry for about half hour. Add the masala water and more water if required. Add the chopped tomato and fry till you have a thick gravy. Add the chicken pieces and also the raisins and green chillies. Add a cup of water and allow the chicken to cook till done. Add 1 to 1.5 tsp salt as required.

Add tomato ketchup and coriander leaves and remove from stove. Serve hot