Category Archives: Chutney



A heaped cup of Curry Leaves (washed well)

3/4 Cup Scraped Coconut or Desiccated Coconut

3 Tblsp of Chana Dhal or Dalia

2 Green Chillies

1 tsp Cumin Seeds

2 tbsp Lemon Juice

1 tsp Salt

2 tsp Oil

Tempering (Optional)

2 tsp Oil

1/4 tsp Urid Dhal

1/2 Mustard Seeds

few curry leaves


Heat Oil in a pan. Fry the washed curry leaves until crisp. Keep aside to cool completely.

Grind the curry leaves along with the other ingredients Cumin Seeds, Chana Dhal, Coconut, Green Chillies, Salt, Lemon Juice and little water to make a fine paste. The Curry Leaves Chutney is ready

If you want to temper the chutney.

Heat oil in a pan. When hot add the urid dhal. When slightly brown add the mustard seeds and when they splutter add the curry leaves. Fry till Curry Leaves loses its rawness. Pour this mixture over the ground chutney. The Curry Leaves Chutney is ready

Kandi (Banana Plant Stem) Chutney

Kandi (Banana Plant Stem) Chutney



2 cups Banana Stem ( layers taken off and core cut into bits)

1 green chilli

½ Mustard seeds

¼ scraped coconut

A small ball tamarind

6 red chillies

A pinch Asafoetida or Hing

1 tsp salt


½ tsp mustard seeds

½ tsp Fenugreek seeds or methi seeds

½ tsp urid or black gram dhal

3 small red chillies

1 sprig (10) curry leaves

A pinch Asafoetida or Hing

3 tbls oil


Boil the Kandi bits in little water and one tsp salt. When boiled, cool and grind along with green chilli, mustard seeds, tamarind, red chillies, coconut, asafoetida and water.

Heat a pan and add oil. Add mustard seeds, red chillies, fenugreek seeds, urid dhal, asafoetida. When urid dhal turns brown, add curry leaves and cook for 30 seconds. Add the ground mixture. Mix and check for salt (add if required). Cook on slow flame for 2 minutes. Remove from stove.

Batata Wada and Spicy Green Chutney

Video link:


1.5 kg or 500 gms Potatoes (Boiled, Peeled and Mashed)

Below ingredients for tempering to be added to the mashed potatoes

1 tsp or ¼ tsp mustard seeds

15 or 5 Curry leaves (roughly Chopped)

6 or 2 green chillies (chopped fine)

2 tblsp or 1 tsp ginger garlic paste (2 inch or 1 inch ginger, 10 or 5 cloves garlic)

½ or ¼ tsp turmeric powder

Salt 1 tsp or ¼ tsp

2 tblsp Oil or 2 tsp Oil

2 stalks or few Coriander leaves to be added direct to mixture (roughly chopped)

Batter for Dipping the Mashed Potato Balls

400 gms or 150 gms Channa Flour or Chickpea flour or Gramflour

1 tsp or ½ tsp chilli powder

½ or ¼ tsp cumin powder

Salt 1 tsp or ¼ tsp

Water to make thick batter

¼ or a pinch Baking Soda or Soda Bicarobonate

Spicy Green Chutney

Large Bunch Coriander Leaves

Around 20 mint leaves

12 green chillies

1 tsp ginger garlic paste

Juice of one lemon or two limes

Half cup of raw peanuts with skin.

Salt ½ tsp

Water to make thickish chutney


Heat the oil for tempering in a pan and when hot add the mustard seeds. When they crackle add the curry leaves. Then rest of the ingredients for tempering. Cook for a minute and then add the mixture to mashed potatoes. Add the chopped coriander leaves too and mix well. (If the mixture is watery, you can correct this by cooking the mixture in a pan to let the water evaporate. Don’t allow to burn ). Check salt and make lime sized balls.

Prepare the batter (thick batter not watery). Add the mashed potatoes balls to the batter and coat the balls with the batter. Add oil to a deep pan or wok and heat it.  When hot add the battered mashed potatoes balls one by one into the oil. The flame should be medium. When the battered balls turn golden brown remove them into a perforated vessel or onto paper towels. The sound of the wada dropping onto the plate should be heavy not soft. This will show that they are cooked properly. Prepare the batata wadas in batches.


Grind all the spicy green chutney in a grinder or blender. Check for salt. Remove to serving bowl.

Eating these

Can be had plain, can be eaten with chutney. This is a delicacy in Mumbai- Small buns are opened up and the wada along with chutney is placed inside the bun and eaten. This is known as Wada Pav.