Mangalorean Crab Curry

Mangalorean Crab Curry




1.5 Kgs Crabs (Clean, wash, sprinkle 1 ½ tsp salt, keep aside for 15 minutes)


10 Red Chillies (Kashmiri) or 8 Red Chillies

10 Pepper Corns

1/2 Tsp of Cumin Seeds

1 spoon coriander seeds

½ tsp mustard seeds

1/2Tsp Turmeric Powder

1 marble sized Tamarind

1 Onion

8 seeds garlic

Water for grinding



1 Onion Chopped

3 Spoons Oil

1 sprig Curry Leaves


Salt and vinegar to taste



Grind the Masala and keep the masala water.

Heat a vessel and add oil. When hot add onion and fry till slightly brown. Add curry leaves and after 15 seconds add the ground masala. Add masala water and cook for 5 minutes. Add the salted crabs, mix well and cook for 10 minutes. Check for salt and vinegar. Add if required and then remove from flame after 3 minutes.
