Category Archives: cake

Xmas Cake




900 gms mixed Dry fruits (can obtain from Supermarket in packet) or put in the following:

200 gms Currants

150 gms chopped Dates

150 gms chopped Cranberry

100 gms Dark Sultanas

100 gms Sultanas

100 gms Chopped Dry Cherries

100 gms Prunes chopped

Mix the above in a glass bowl or Jar. Add 2 cups of Dark Rum and close with cling wrap. Keep this in the cupboard or away from sunlight. Do this at least 3 days prior to baking cake. Some do this a month earlier, some 3 months earlier.

250 gms nuts (Almonds and Walnuts) cut into small pieces. To be added to the above mixture a day earlier to baking cake (1 cup Dark Rum to be added and mixed well)

1 bottle Dark Rum (750 ml)

500 gms standard flour or Maida to be sifted along with baking powder

½ tsp baking powder

500 gms Powdered (Castor) Sugar

500 gms Unsalted Butter

125 gms Ghee or Clarified Butter

500 gms Eggs (8)

1 tbsp. Vanilla Essence

1 tsp Caraway Seeds (to be rubbed on palm of your hand before putting)

1 Tbsp. Treacle or Golden Syrup (to be added last)

1 cup Burnt Sugar Syrup (see video – how to prepare burnt sugar syrup)


Remove soaked fruit and nuts and spread on a tray. Sprinkle some of the flour over them and mix lightly.

Line the cake tins to be used for baking with Baking paper.

Separate the eggs yolk from the white and keep aside. Beat the white of egg to stiff consistency.

In a cake mixer or in a deep vessel, blend the butter, ghee and sugar adding the sugar little at a time. Total 20 minutes if blending in vessel. Use a big wooden spoon or wooden buttermilk churner. Start adding flour and egg yolk – little at a time and blend well. When egg yolk is finished start adding white of egg until both the flour and egg has been added. Blend well.

Add the vanilla essence, caraway seeds and blend further. Add the burnt sugar and mix well. Lastly add the golden syrup. Now add the dry fruits and nuts. Mix well and pour into Cake tins (sized 6 to 8 inches or 12 to 20 cms) lined with baking paper.

Bake in pre-heated oven for 2 hour at 140 degrees fan forced or 150 conventional oven or 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Check if the cake is done, by piercing the cake with a skewer. If it comes clean without any batter, cake is baked. Otherwise continue baking for some more time.

Remove and let the cake cool in the tins.


Feeding the Cake with Rum:

Remove the cake along with the baking paper and place on aluminium foil. Pierce the cake half way through with a chopstick or thick skewer. Around 12 to 15 will suffice. Pour the rum into the holes little at a time, 6 to 8 spoons. Wrap the cake with the baking paper and foil and place it in cupboard for a week. You can do this a couple of times (if you have time). Just before Xmas you can ice the cake or top it up with dry fruits (I have not shown this hear).

Slice the cake and enjoy.


How to Prepare Burnt Sugar Syrup



1 Cup Sugar

1 Cup Boiling Water


In a thick bottomed vessel heat the sugar or low to medium heat. When the sugar has melted and starts bubbling remove from stove and add half of the water. The mixture will start smoking. Stir to dissolve the sugar clumps that form. Place back on the stove and on low heat keep stirring to dissolve any balance sugar clumps.  Add rest of the water and heat for 5 minutes.

Remove from stove and allow to cool. Use for cakes, pudding, custard etc.

Xmas Cake the Easy Way

Xmas Cake the Easy Way


600 gms mixed fruit (can obtain from Supermarket in packet)

¾ Cup Chopped Walnuts

¾ Cup standard flour

½ tsp baking powder

1 Egg (beaten)

1 can condensed milk (400 gms)

½ cup water


Boil the mixed fruit in water for a minute. Keep stirring while it is boiling. Remove and allow to cool.

Mix in a bowl the mixed fruit, the chopped walnuts, the condensed milk and egg. Stir in the flour, previously shifted with the baking powder. Mix well and pour into Cake tin (sized 7 to 8 inches or 18 to 20 cms) lined with baking paper.

Bake in pre-heated oven for 1 hour at 110 degrees fan forced or 135 conventional oven or 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Continue baking for another hour at 110 degrees fan or 125 degrees conventional or 260 degrees Fahrenheit.

Remove and allow to cool.