Category Archives: Fish



700 grams Skate or Kite fish, skin removed cut into small pieces (with Bone)

1 sliced onion

5 cloves chopped garlic

1 inch ginger chopped

15 pepper corns

6 green chillies slit

1 tsp Mustard Powder

1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder

1 tsp Coriander Powder

1 tsp Cumin Powder

3 tsps of Kashmiri Chilli Powder

200 ml of coconut milk

(1/2 tsp )salt and (2 tblsp) vinegar to taste

1/2 tsp sugar

2 tsp garam masala


4 tablspoons of oil

4 crushed garlic


Add two tsp of salt to skate pieces and scrub lightly all over. Wash and keep aside.

Heat a pan and add three tablespoon oil. When hot add the chopped onions and fry 5 minutes. Add ginger, garlic and black pepper, mix well fry for a minute. Add the powders, salt, vinegar, sugar and half cup water. Mix well and bring to boil. Add the coconut milk and bring to boil. Add the fish pieces, stir and close the lid. Let it cook for 5 minutes. Around 3 minutes into the cooking add the green chillies and garam masala and cook for the remaining two minutes.

Seasoning: Heat the oil in a pan and when add the crushed garlic and when garlic becomes brown add the seasoning to the fish curry and close the lid. After fish minutes, open and stir it gently. Skate fish curry is ready.



900 grams of Shark (skin removed, with bones) cut into small pieces


1 Onion

10 Pepper corns

1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds

1/2 Tsp Mustard Seeds

1/2 tsp of Turmeric Powder

12 Kashmiri Chilles

10 cloves garlic

Grind add two tablespoon vinegar and water to a paste. Reserve the masala water.


3 tablespoons Oil

4 cloves crushed garlic


Heat a pan and add 3 tablespoons of oil. Add crushed garlic. Fry for 45 seconds and add the masala paste. Close and fry on slow flame for 10 minutes. Add masala water. 3/4 tsp Salt and 3 tablespoons vinegar. Bring to Boil and add the fish pieces and let it cook for 5 minutes. Remove from flame.



13 Medium Sardines cleaned and washed


1 tsp Salt

2 tsp Chilli Powder

1 tsp Turmeric Powder

4 tblsp Vinegar.

5 tblsp oil for frying


Make the salt and chilli paste by mixing the powders, salt and vinegar. Apply to fish and leave for 30 minutes. Heat a pan and add oil. When hot add the sardines to pan and shallow fry them. About 5 minutes on one side and 3 minutes on other. The sardines will be nice and crisp. You can eat it whole with head and bones.

Serve with salad of onion, green chilli and vinegar.



6 Squid Tubes (already cleaned). Or fresh squid to be cleaned, remove the tentacles, which can be used for stuffing.

200 grams prawns (cleaned, deveined) cut into small bits.

300 grams squid tubes cut into small bits

Method: Heat a pan. Add 2 tblsp coconut oil or any oil. Add 2 to 3 chopped onions and fry for some time. Add 3 chopped green chillies and 2 inches ginger chopped. 3 cloves chopped garlic. Fry for some time. Add salt and chilli paste. (1 tsp red chilli powder, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 3/4 tsp salt and little vinegar). Fry for couple of minutes. Add 2 chopped tomatoes and fry till you get a nice paste mixture. Add the prawns and squid and mix well and cook for 4 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped coriander leaves.

After this has cooled down, fill the tubes (washed, pat dry). Close the ends with toothpicks. Apply little salt and chillie paste to the stuffed squid tubes. Heat a pan. Add little oil and panfry the stuffed calamari tube till it is fried on all sides. Serve as it is or with gravy (below)


Fry three chopped onions for minutes. Add 3 green chillies, 3 tsp ginger garlic paste. Fry for two minutes. Add 2 chopped tomatoes and two tsps salt and chilli paste. Fry till it is all mushy. Add masala water and the fried stuffed calamari and cook for 5 minutes. Add garam masala powder and chopped coriander leaves.




Fish – Salmon or Silver Pomfret

Make Pockets in the Pomfret by cutting along he spine. Marinate it with a paste of 3/4 tsp turmeric powder, 1 tsp salt and 3 tsp lime juice for about 20 minutes.

Green Chutney:

5 green chillies

10 cloves garlic

2 tsp Cumin Seeds or Jeera

1 Cup grated coconut or desiccated Coconut

1 tsp Salt

Bunch of Coriander Leaves, 1.5 cup

1/2 Cup Mint Leaves

1 tsp Sugar

2 tsp Lime Juice

Make the above into a paste and apply to the fish and also fill inside the pocket created in the Pomfret

Place the fish on washed and wiped Banana Leaf and then fold the banana leaf then tie with string or close the ends with toothpicks

Place a tondor or steamer on the stove. Add water to the bottom part of the steamer and when the water boils, place the top part of the steamer with the fish in banana leaf on the bottom part of the steamer(with boiling water). Steam for 20 minutes.

Remove and place on plate, open the banana leaf and enjoy the Patrani Macchi



1 Whole Salmon gutted and cleaned. Remove the fins.

Make a slit along the spine to form a pocket. Make a paste of salt and chilli. 3 tsps chilli powder, 1 tsp turmeric powder, 1.5 tsp salt, 1 spoon olive oil and little lime juice. Apply to Salmon inside and outside and also inside the pocket created earlier.

Onion, Chilli, Ginger, garlic and tomatoes paste

3 onions finely chopped

6 green chillies chopped

1.5 pod garlic and 3 inches ginger finely chopped

400 gms tomatoes chopped

Salt and chilli paste 2 tsp

Bunch of chopped coriander leaves or Parsley

Heat a pan add 3 tblsp oil. When hot add chopped onions. When onions are slightly fried, add ginger, garlic, green chillies and fry for 4 minutes. Add the salt and chilli paste slightly diluted. Add tomatoes. Fry till dry. Add chopped coriander leaves or parsley.

When cool fill the above paste into the fill into the fish. The pocket and also inside the fish and the head. Place the whole fish on a baking tray (if it can fit into the oven) or cut it in half and place on two trays. Spray little oil or sprinkle oil on the fish. Preheat the Oven at 200 degrees and bake the fish for 30 minutes. Now grill the fish for 5 minutes on each side. If you are unable to turn the fish, grill on one side only.

Enjoy King Salmon Stuffed and Grilled



1 Kg Prawns (used Tiger Prawns) peeled, deveined and washed. I cut them into three bits as they are too big. You can use shrimps and need not cut

1/2 inch Ginger

6 cloves Garlic

Dry Roast the below items

10 Red chillies

1 inch stick of Cinnamon

2 tsps of Pepper Corns

1 Spoon of Mustard Seeds

1 Spoon of Cumin Seeds or Jeera

8 cloves

Grind the roasted items along with ginger, garlic and vinegar to a paste.

Marinate the prawns with turmeric powder, salt and vinegar

Keep a pan on the stove and add 2 tbsps and when hot fry the marinated prawns slightly and remove, if required in batches.

Add 2 tblsps of oil and add 2.5 large chopped onions and fry for about 5 minutes. Add 2 sprigs curry leaves and fry for a minute. Add a can of chopped tomatoes about 400 gms or 3 to 4 tomatoes, continue frying for 5 minutes. Mix and fry. Add the masala and masala water and mix well and fry till oil separates. Add the fried prawns and mix well and fry for another five minutes. Check for salt and vinegar and continue frying. Remove from flame

Tuna Cutlets (Easy)

425 gms Tuna Meat (Canned in Spring Water)


1 Onion (medium)

4 green Chillies

1½ inch ginger

6 Cloves Garlic

1 bunch Coriander Leaves

1 Stalk Spring Onions or Onions Leeks

Few mint leaves

All above to be minced fine

2 Eggs

300 gms Potatoes- (boiled and peeled)

1 tsp Pepper Powder

½ tsp Turmeric Powder

1.5 tsp Coriander Powder

1 tsp Garam Masala Powder

½ tsp Turmeric Powder

½ tsp Chilli Powder

1 tsp salt or to taste

Toast Powder (bread crumbs)


Cut open the Tuna Tin and drain all the water. Mash the boiled potatoes. Add the tuna to the mashed potatoes. Mince all the green masala add to the mixture. Add all powders, salt and yolk of egg (reserve the white of egg) and mix together.  Make small balls (if there is excess water, add bread crumbs). Form cutlets in the palms of your hands. Beat the white of egg. Dip the cutlets in white of egg and then Bread Crumbs (if you want crispy cutlets) or only white of egg.

Heat frying pan, add about 6 tbsp oil and shallow fry the cutlets on both sides. Remove to a paper towel to take off excess oil.

Mackerel Curry (Mangalorean)

Mackerel Curry (Mangalorean)


5 Mackerels (6) or 500 Sardines or 2 Pomfrets

Masala (ground)

1/2 onion (sliced)

4 seeds garlic

1 inch ginger

1 green chilli

200 gms Chopped tomatoes (Canned) or two tomatoes (sliced)

8 Red Chillies

3/4 tsp turmeric powder

½ Tsp Cumin Seeds

A small ball tamarind

Water if required


½ Onion (Sliced)

Few Curry Leaves

2 tblsp Ghee (clarified butter) or Oil

Salt to taste (1 tsp)


Clean the Mackerels (see Video), Cut them into required size pieces (2 or 3) apply ½ tsp of salt and keep aside.

Place a deep pan or vessel on stove. Add ghee or oil, when hot add ½ sliced onion. Fry for a minute, add curry leaves. Fry for another minute and add the ground masala. Fry for 10 minutes, add masala water if it dries up. Now add the remaining masala water and more water if required to make gravy. This should not be too thin. The gravy will increase when you add the fish (water from fish). Now add 1 tsp salt and the Mackerel Pieces. Boil for 3 minutes or until fish is cooked. Check for salt and gravy requirements. Remove from stove.

That’s it Mackerel Curry.


Dum Mackerel or Sardines


800 gms Mackerels (6) or Sardines

6 medium onions (chopped)

1.5 pods chopped garlic

3 inches chopped ginger

6 chopped green chillies

400 gms tomatoes or one can of diced tomatoes.

A bunch chopped coriander leaves

1 to 1.5 tsp chilli powder (according to spice requirement)

½ tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp salt

½ cup vinegar

The above four can be substituted with 2 tbsp Dexter’s salt & chilli paste.

Juice of lemon

3 tblsp of Olive Oil


Clean the Mackerels (with Pockets along the bone- see video) or Sardines, apply ½ tsp of salt and keep aside.

Heat a deep pan and add olive oil. When hot add the Onions. Add 1/2 tsp of salt. Fry till the onions become slightly brown. Add the ginger, garlic, chillies. Fry for 3 minutes. Add the chilli, turmeric, salt and vinegar or salt & chilli paste. Mix well and add tomatoes and mix well. Fry for 5 minutes.

Pre-heat Oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Take a deep baking dish or roasting dish. Add one portion of the cooked masala to the dish. On top of it place the Mackerels or Sardines. For Mackerels fill some of the masala into the pockets which were created. Put the rest of the masala on top of the mackerels or sardines. Sprinkle the coriander leaves on top of the fish and then sprinkle the lemon juice on top of the fish.

Close with lid (sealed) or aluminium foil. Place some water on top of the lid. Bake for 30 minutes.