Category Archives: Bafat

Pork Bafat (Ground Masala)

Pork Bafat (Ground Masala)

2 Kgs Pork cut into Small Pieces


15 Pepper Corns

25 Red Chillies

1 Heaped Spoon Cumin Seeds

1 heaped Tsp Mustard Seeds

2 Heaped Spoons Coriander Seeds

1 tsp Turmeric Powder

Green Masala:

6 Chopped Onions

2 Pods Chopped Garlic

6 inches Ginger Chopped

6 Big Green Chillies Chopped


2 Cinnamon Leaves

15 cloves

2 big sticks Cinnamon

Half cup vinegar

A small lemon sized ball of Tamarind – immersed in warm water and tamarind water to be used.


Salt to taste

3 Green Bananas (cut into small cubes) (optional)

Pork Blood or black pudding little or small piece smashed and soaked in vinegar. (Optional)


Grind the ingredients and keep aside. Heat a vessel and add two tablespoon of oil. When hot add the cinnamon, cloves and cinnamon leaves. Then add the green masala and fry till onions loses its rawness. Add the ground masala and fry for a few minutes. Then add the pork pieces, salt, 3 spoons vinegar and masala water. Cook till meat is nearly cooked. Now you can add the banana pieces, the pork blood or vinegar and tamarind water. Check for salt and cook for further 10 mins. Pork Bafat is ready.

If you cook this a day or couple of days earlier before the actual meal it will taste better.