Category Archives: Vietnamese Shaking Beef



750 gms Beef Pieces, any tender cuts

Marinate with the below ingredients for about 2 hours (Min 30 minutes)

8 cloves minced garlic

2 tsps of pepper powder

2 tsp of sugar

3 tblsp of Soy Sauce

2 tblsp Oyster Sauce

1 .5 tblsp Red Wine Vinegar

Other Ingredients

2 small red onions sliced into rings an 5 cloves garlic

Make a sauce of the below and immerse the sliced onions and garlic in this mixture and keep aside

1 tblsp white vinegar

1 tblsp Oyster Sauce

2 tblsp Soy Sauce

2 tsp Sugar


A rocket ( Salad Leaves) cut into smaller bits.

2 sliced Sliced Tomatoes

Spread the salad leaves on a serving tray and on top of it place the sliced tomatoes.

Heat up a wok and add little oil. When hot add the marinated beef (fry in batches). Fry for a few minutes and fry till the meat is charred slightly (2 to 3 minutes) turn it over and char it on other side. Shake the meat and toss it for 4 to 5 minutes remove it onto the serving tray. After all the meat is fried. Fry the marinated onions for a few minutes and spread it on top of the meat.

Garnish with Coriander Leaves (Optional)