Aloo Gobi Mutter




250 gms Cauliflower (cut into small florets)

250 gms Potatoes (cut into cubes)

200 gms Frozen Peas (Mutter)


1 small tomato

½ Onion

3 greens chillies

All the above to be finely minced.

2 tbsp ginger garlic paste (1 inch ginger & 6 seeds garlic)

½ tsp cumin seeds

Pinch of Asafoetida or Hing

½ tsp turmeric powder

¼ tsp red chilli powder

¼ tsp coriander powder

¼ tsp Amchoor Powder (Mango Powder)

2 tbsp Kasoori methi (Dried Fenugreek leaves)

½ tsp garam masala powder

1 bunch coriander leaves (chopped)

1 tsp salt

2 tbsp Oil


Cut the Cauliflower into florets and keep aside. Cut the potatoes into cubes and boil till nearly done (can be done in microwave for 5 minutes). Wash the frozen peas and keep aside.

Place a deep pan or vessel on stove. Add oil, when hot add cumin seeds. Then add Asafoetida and ginger garlic paste. Then onion/tomato/chilli mixture and turmeric powder. Fry well and then add the chilli/coriander/amchoor powder and half cup water. Add salt. Add Kasoori methi. Mix well and cook.

When you have attained a mushy sauce add the Cauliflower-mix well and cook for three minutes. Now add the boiled potatoes and peas. Add half of the chopped coriander leaves. Mix well and cook on slow fire for 5 minutes.

Check for salt. Now sprinkle the garam masala powder and rest of the coriander leaves. Mix well, close lid and remove from stove.


Coconut Yellow Rice


2 Cups Basmati or Jasmine Rice

1 tsp Turmeric Powder

1 Can (425ml) Coconut Milk

4 Tbsp. Ghee or Clarified Butter

2.5 Cups Hot water



1/2 medium onion-minced fine (optional)

2 Seeds Garlic – minced fine (optional)

2 sticks Cinnamon

6 cloves

6 Pepper Corns

1 Cinnamon or Bay leaf

4 pods Cardamom

2.5 tbsp. Ghee

3 tbsp. fresh desiccated coconut (optional)

¾ tsp salt


A bunch coriander leaves- chopped (optional)


Wash the rice a few times and drain. Heat a vessel or deep pan. Add 2.5 tbsp. of ghee and when hot add the cinnamon, cloves, pepper corns, bay leaf and cardamom. Fry for half a minute. Add the turmeric powder and rice. Fry slightly. Add the desiccated coconut and fry for some more time (a minute).

Add the coconut milk, Hot water and salt. Mix well, close with lid and cook on slow fire. Check a couple of times if water is dry or rice is touching the bottom of vessel. Add more hot water if required. When ¾ cooked add the remaining Ghee or Clarified butter and mix well. Add the coriander leaves, mix and put off the flame. Place a cloth or perforated (colander) vessel on top, so that the heat is retained while the excess moisture evaporates. After 5 minutes check if the water has evaporated and rice is dry. Fluff the rice lightly with a fork if required. Serve.