Category Archives: Goa Sausages

“Britto Goa Sausages” Cooking Recipe

Britto Goa Sausages

“Britto Goa Sausages” Cooking Recipe

½ Kg of “Britto Goa Sausages” or Goa Sausages


3 Onions or 300 grams

1 Peeled Potato (medium)

15 flakes Garlic

1 Green Chillie

2 inches Ginger


Chop Onions, Ginger, Chillie, Garlic. Cut the potatoes into small cubes.

Open up the sausages and separate the meat from the gut. Immerse the gut in warm water and this will give you some masala water.

Place a pan on fire. Add little oil and fry the onions. When the onions turn translucent add the chillie, garlic and ginger and fry for sometime. Now add the meat pieces and fry. Add masala water and allow it to cook for sometime. Add the cubed potatoes and mix well. Cook on slow fire after closing the lid. Check the meat for salt & vinegar and then check if the potato has cooked and if yes, put off the fire and allow it settle down by its own heat.

Eat with bread/chapatti/rice.