Category Archives: curry



700 grams Skate or Kite fish, skin removed cut into small pieces (with Bone)

1 sliced onion

5 cloves chopped garlic

1 inch ginger chopped

15 pepper corns

6 green chillies slit

1 tsp Mustard Powder

1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder

1 tsp Coriander Powder

1 tsp Cumin Powder

3 tsps of Kashmiri Chilli Powder

200 ml of coconut milk

(1/2 tsp )salt and (2 tblsp) vinegar to taste

1/2 tsp sugar

2 tsp garam masala


4 tablspoons of oil

4 crushed garlic


Add two tsp of salt to skate pieces and scrub lightly all over. Wash and keep aside.

Heat a pan and add three tablespoon oil. When hot add the chopped onions and fry 5 minutes. Add ginger, garlic and black pepper, mix well fry for a minute. Add the powders, salt, vinegar, sugar and half cup water. Mix well and bring to boil. Add the coconut milk and bring to boil. Add the fish pieces, stir and close the lid. Let it cook for 5 minutes. Around 3 minutes into the cooking add the green chillies and garam masala and cook for the remaining two minutes.

Seasoning: Heat the oil in a pan and when add the crushed garlic and when garlic becomes brown add the seasoning to the fish curry and close the lid. After fish minutes, open and stir it gently. Skate fish curry is ready.



900 grams of Shark (skin removed, with bones) cut into small pieces


1 Onion

10 Pepper corns

1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds

1/2 Tsp Mustard Seeds

1/2 tsp of Turmeric Powder

12 Kashmiri Chilles

10 cloves garlic

Grind add two tablespoon vinegar and water to a paste. Reserve the masala water.


3 tablespoons Oil

4 cloves crushed garlic


Heat a pan and add 3 tablespoons of oil. Add crushed garlic. Fry for 45 seconds and add the masala paste. Close and fry on slow flame for 10 minutes. Add masala water. 3/4 tsp Salt and 3 tablespoons vinegar. Bring to Boil and add the fish pieces and let it cook for 5 minutes. Remove from flame.



1.2 Kg Mutton cuts into medium pieces.

Marinate the mutton with the below items for 2 hours

1 heaped tblsp of Kashmiri chili powder

1 spoon of turmeric powder

1.5 spoon of coriander owder

1.5 spoon of cumin seed poder

3/4 spoon salt

2 spoons ginger garlic paste

1 cup yoghurt


Heat a deep pan and add 3 tblsp oil. When hot add 3 bay leaves, 6 cloves, 5 green cardamom. Fry for a minute. Now add 8 cloves chopped garlic and 2 inch ginger chopped and fry for 3 minutes. Now add 4 chopped onions and 6 green chillies finely chopped and salt (1 tsp) and fry till onions are slightly brown.

Add marinated meat, mix well and fry for 4 minutes on high heat and then lower the heat and cook for 45 minutes. Add 3 chopped tomatoes and 1/2 tsp salt and again cook it for another 45 minutes .

Add 1.5 tblsp of garam masala and salt if required and cook for another 15 minutes till meat is cooked. If meat is still tough add little water and cook till meat is cooked completely. Sprinkle chopped coriander leaves and serve.



600 gms Lean Pork cut into small cubes

Add 1/2 tsp of Salt, 1 tsp of Cumin Powder, 1/2 turmeric Powder, 1 tsp of Coriander Powder, 1/2 tsp chilli powder, 1/2 tsp garam masala powder. Marinate the meat for 5 minutes

In a deep pan add 2 tablespoons of oil and fry the marinated pork pieces in batches for 6 minutes till slightly brown and remove.

Add to the same pan 1 tblsp oil and fry 1 chopped red onion for two minutes. Add 4 chopped garlic, 1 inch chopped ginger. Fry for 30 seconds. Add the fried pork pieces and fry. Add 1 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt and 400 ml coconut milk. Let it cook on slow flame for 25 minutes. Add 1/2 of pepper powder, juice of 1 lime and mix well and garnish with coriander leaves.



900 gms of Beef cut into cubes, 1 tsp of Salt, 2 tsp of Pepper Powder, 1 tsp of turmeric powder and little vinegar. To be pressure cooked for 15 minutes.


Heat a pan and add 2 tablespoons of oil. When hot add 2 sliced onions and fry for 2 minutes. Add 12 chopped garlic, 2 inches of chopped ginger and 3 chopped green chillies. Fry two minutes and add 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 2 tsps pepper powder. Mix and add 3 chopped tomatoes. Fry for two minutes and add boiled meat. Add 1 tsp of pepper powder and 1 tsp of garam masala powder. Add all the boiled meat gravy and continue frying till dry (if dry version) or stop when the gravy is slightly thicker (for gravy version). Sprinkle with a bunch of chopped coriander leaves.

You can add a couple of potatoes, cut into small cubes and boiled. Add when you add the boiled meat gravy (this is optional)



1 Kg of Mutton (Goat) or Lamb ( pressure cook with 1/2 tsp salt , 2 spoons vinegar and 1 tsp pepper powder, for 6 to 8 whistles)

2 Onions Finely chopped

3 large tomatoes chopped

1.5 tsp red chilli powder

1 tsp of turmeric powder

1 tsp of Fennel Powder (Sauf)

1 Spoon of Coriander Powder

1 bay leaf, 5 cloves and 4 green cardamom, one stick cinnamon

A bunch of Chopped coriander Leaves

2 tsp garam masala powder


5 Red Chillies

5 Kashmiri Chillies

1 tsp Kuskus

1 tsp Cumin Seeds

1 tsp Fennel Seeds

1/2 tsp Pepper Corns

6 cloves

2 inches Cinnamon Sticks

1 cup grated coconut and 1/2 tsp turmeric powder

All to be dry roasted separately and then ground with

2 inch of ginger & 12 cloves garlic to make the masala.


Heat a heavy bottom vessel and add 3 tblsp oil. When hot add bay leaf, 5 cloves, 4 green cardamom and 1 stick cinnamon. Fry for 30 seconds and then add chopped onions. Fry onions till brown, add ground masala. Mix and fry on slow flame for 10 minutes. Add masala water if the masala dries up. Add the boiled meat, mix and fry for 3 to 4 minutes. Add all the spices and fry for 2 to 3 minutes and add tomatoes. Add masala water and the water from boiled meat and cook on slow flame for 15 minutes. Fry till it becomes slightly dry, add garam masala powder and coriander leaves. Cook for few more minutes and remove.



700 gms of Eye Fillet (cooking time less) or any other beef cuts.

2 tblsp of Garam Masala

200 gms chopped tomatoes

3/4 tsp of turmeric powder

2 sliced medium onions

1 tsp of Salt

little oil

Method: Cut the beef into small cubes and marinate with half tsp of pepper powder and little salt.

Heat up a deep pan, add 2 tblsp of oil, add the sliced onions and little salt. Fry till onions are brown. Add turmeric and garam masala powders and 2 tblsp water and fry for 3 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes, mix well and fry for 5 minutes. Add the marinated meat and fry for 25 minutes or longer till meat is cooked. Add water if required. Sprinkle chopped coriander leaves mix and remove from flame.



300 gms Brinjal cut into small cubes

200 gms Prawns, cleaned, washed and marinated with turmeric and salt

1 medium Onion chopped fine

1 green chilli chopped fine

3 cloves garlic chopped fine

1 inch ginger chopped fine

1 bunch coriander leaves chopped

1 tomato chopped

1/2 tsp of turmeric powder, chilli powder, garam masala powder, cumin powder, coriander powder

3/4 tsp salt

1 cup coconut milk


Place a deep pan on stove and add 1 tablespoon oil. When it is hot add the chopped onion and fry for a minute. Add ginger, garlic and green chilli and fry for 3 minutes. When mixture has turned slightly brown add the spices, salt and chopped tomato. Mix well and fry for 3 to 5 minutes, adding little water when it becomes dry.

Add the brinjal cubes and coriander leaves, mix well and fry for a minute. Add two cups of water, cover and let it cook for 5 minutes. Add the marinated prawns and cook for another 5 minutes. Add the coconut milk, mix, check for salt and let it cook for 3 to 5 minutes.

Brinjal and Prawn Curry is ready



1.5 Kg Chicken Pieces marinated with half cup yoghurt, a little turmeric powder and 1 tsp salt and kept in refrigerator overnight

1.5 pods garlic chopped

3 inch ginger chopped

3 green chillies chopped

2 large onions finely chopped

Few curry leaves (Optional)

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp of Kashmiri Powder

1.5 tsp of Red Chilli Powder

2 tsp of coriander powder

1 tsp of cumin seed powder

1 tsp of black pepper powder

1 tsp of garam masala

2 tsp of salt

2 tomatoes chopped.

little vinegar

1 cup Milk or Coconut Milk


Place a deep pan or vessel on stove. Add one spoon of ghee or clarified butter. When ghee is hot add onions, ginger, garlic and green chillies and fry till brown. Add few curry leaves and fry for a minute.

Add all powders except garam masala. Add salt and chopped tomatoes and mix well and fry. When you have a good paste and oil separates. Add water if required. Now add the chicken pieces and mix well. On high flame cook the chicken for about 15 minutes. When it is cooked add 2 tblsp vinegar and 1 cup milk. Mix well and keep on slow fire for 10 minutes. Sprinkle Garam Masala Powder and Coriander leaves, mix and remove the vessel from stove.

Mangalorean Crab Curry

Mangalorean Crab Curry




1.5 Kgs Crabs (Clean, wash, sprinkle 1 ½ tsp salt, keep aside for 15 minutes)


10 Red Chillies (Kashmiri) or 8 Red Chillies

10 Pepper Corns

1/2 Tsp of Cumin Seeds

1 spoon coriander seeds

½ tsp mustard seeds

1/2Tsp Turmeric Powder

1 marble sized Tamarind

1 Onion

8 seeds garlic

Water for grinding



1 Onion Chopped

3 Spoons Oil

1 sprig Curry Leaves


Salt and vinegar to taste



Grind the Masala and keep the masala water.

Heat a vessel and add oil. When hot add onion and fry till slightly brown. Add curry leaves and after 15 seconds add the ground masala. Add masala water and cook for 5 minutes. Add the salted crabs, mix well and cook for 10 minutes. Check for salt and vinegar. Add if required and then remove from flame after 3 minutes.
