Category Archives: delicacy



300 gms Scallops (washed and drained)


1/3 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper powder

1/3 tsp Cayenne Pepper

Other ingredients

3 tblsp Butter

1 chopped onion

3 cloves chopped garlic

1/3 cup cooking wine.

Juice of one lemon

Chopped Parsley


Marinate the Scallops with the salt, pepper and cayenne pepper and keep aside for fry mins.

Place a pan on stove and add the butter. When hot fry the marinated scallops . First on one side for a couple of minutes and then other side. Remove . Add chopped onion and chopped garlic and fry for 1 minute. Add cooking wine. When it boils add the fried scallops. The add lemon juice and boil for 30 seconds. Mix and add chopped Parsley



200 grams Oyster Mushrooms

4 tablespoons Butter

4 Crushed Garlic

1 Small Chopped Onion

1 Spring Onion or Green Onions

few Rosemary

few Thyme

little chopped Parsley

1/4 tsp Rock Salt

1/4 tsp Crushed or Cracked Pepper

1/4 tsp Red Chilli Flakes


Wipe the Oyster Mushrooms with a wet paper towel. Heat a pan and add 2 tablespoons of butter and fry the mushrooms on one side for three minutes. Turn over and fry other side for another three minutes. Remove. Add another two tablespoons butter and fry the second batch of mushrooms and remove.

In the same pan with the remaining butter add the crushed garlic and the chopped onion and fry for a minute. Add minced ginger and fry for another 30 seconds. Now add the fried mushrooms, spring onion, rosemary, thyme and stir fry for another 3 minutes. Now add the rock salt and crushed pepper and mix and fry for a minute. Sprinkle chilli flakes, fry for a minute and take off flame.



600 grams of Boneless, skinless Chicken Thighs, cut into big pieces about two inches

100 gms of XO Sauce

1 Red Pepper Diced

100 gms of Round Beans cut into 4 cms lengths

Two Spring Onions cut lengthwise about 4 cms lengths

4 tablespoons Black Fungus (fresh) or Dried (immersed in warm water)

2 tablespoon Chinese Cooking Wine

2 tablespoon Dark Soy Sauce

1 tablespoon Soya Bean Paste

4 Dried Red Chillies, cut into bits and deseeded.

3 tablespoon oil for cooking


Heat a wok and add 3 tablespoon oil. Fry the chicken pieces till they become crusty on the outside and remain soft on the inside. Remove the fried chicken. Fry the Beans and Capsicum in the same oil and remove.

Fry the red chillies in the same oil for 30 seconds. Add the fried chicken and fry for min. Add the vegetables mix and cook for two mins. Add the cooking wine and spring onions and fry for a minute. Add dark soya sauce, soya bean paste, XO sauce and the black fungus. Mix well and cook for 3 minutes.



200 gms of minced chicken (chicken breast or thighs)

1/4 tsp of chilli powder

1/4 tsp of pepper powder

1 tblsp Soy Sauce

1 tsp ginger garlic paste

1 Egg white

2 tblsp of cornflour

Mix well the above and keep in refrigerator for 45 minutes. Add 1.5 tblsp of rice flour and mix.

Heat a deep pan with oil for deep frying. When hot fry the chicken pieces on medium heat. When the bubbles reduce remove them onto paper towels.

Keep a pan on stove, add 2 tblsp oil. When hot add 2 tsp of ginger garlic paste. 1 chopped onion or white of spring onion. Fry for 3 minutes. Add 1 capsicum cuts into cubes.

Manchurian Sauce:

2 tblsp of Soy Sauce

2 Tblsp of Tomato Sauce

3 tblsp of Chilli Sauce

1 tsp sugar

1/2 tsp of salt

Make into a paste.

Make of paste of 2 tsp of cornflour and water.

Add the two sauces to pan and mix well. Allow to cook for 2 minutes.

Make a stock of chicken from two cubes of Chicken Stock and water (1 cup). Add to mixture and allow to bubble. Add 1 tsp of vinegar and when it starts thickening add the chicken balls and mix. Sprinkle Chopped spring onions.

If you put in more chicken stock you will have a gravy preparation, less stock will make it dry



3 Squid Tubes, cleaned and washed


1/3 cup Cornflour

1/3 Standard Flour or Maida

1/3 cup rice flour

1/2 tsp white pepper powder

1/2 tsp black pepper powder

1 tsp Amchor Powder

1 tsp garam masal powder

1/2 tsp salt

mix well and keep aside

Beat a white of egg.


Cut the tube into rings. Dip the rings in the white of egg, then dip in seasoning and keep on a plate.

Heat oil in deep pan and when hot, drop the seasoned calamari rings and fry for 3 minutes. Remove onto paper towels. Fry the Calamari rings in batches and remove.

Have with Tartar Sauce and lemon Wedges. Sprinkle lemon juice on the Calamari Salt and Pepper Rings



1.5 kgs Large Crabs Cleaned and cut into halves. Removed the legs and lightly mash the claws. Sprinkle 1/2 tsp salt and keep aside

3 tblsp oil and one tsp chilli oil

Sauce: Mix the below ingredients and reserve

4 tblspoons Soy Sauce

4 Tblspoons Oyster Sauce

2 tsp Sugar


1.5 spoons butter

2 inch chopped ginger

10 cloves chopped garlic

2 green chillies and 2 red chillies chopped

1 handful curry leaves

1 tsp corainder powder

2 tsps of Black Pepper Powder

1.5 tsp white pepper powder

3 chopped spring onions

1 bunch coriander leaves


Heat a pan and add 3 spoons oil and 1 spoons chilli oil. Fry the crabs in batches till they get a slightly orange colour and remove.

Add butter, ginger, garlic, chillies and curry leaves and fry. Add sauce and mix well. Cook for two minutes. Add coriander, black pepper and white pepper powders and mix well. Cook for a minute. Add the fried crabs and mix well to coat. Cook for a few minutes. Sprinkle the spring onions and coriander leaves and remove



6 Squid Tubes (already cleaned). Or fresh squid to be cleaned, remove the tentacles, which can be used for stuffing.

200 grams prawns (cleaned, deveined) cut into small bits.

300 grams squid tubes cut into small bits

Method: Heat a pan. Add 2 tblsp coconut oil or any oil. Add 2 to 3 chopped onions and fry for some time. Add 3 chopped green chillies and 2 inches ginger chopped. 3 cloves chopped garlic. Fry for some time. Add salt and chilli paste. (1 tsp red chilli powder, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 3/4 tsp salt and little vinegar). Fry for couple of minutes. Add 2 chopped tomatoes and fry till you get a nice paste mixture. Add the prawns and squid and mix well and cook for 4 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped coriander leaves.

After this has cooled down, fill the tubes (washed, pat dry). Close the ends with toothpicks. Apply little salt and chillie paste to the stuffed squid tubes. Heat a pan. Add little oil and panfry the stuffed calamari tube till it is fried on all sides. Serve as it is or with gravy (below)


Fry three chopped onions for minutes. Add 3 green chillies, 3 tsp ginger garlic paste. Fry for two minutes. Add 2 chopped tomatoes and two tsps salt and chilli paste. Fry till it is all mushy. Add masala water and the fried stuffed calamari and cook for 5 minutes. Add garam masala powder and chopped coriander leaves.




2 Cups of Idli Rice, Wash and soak it for 8 hours or overnight

Half Scraped Coconut

200 grams and to taste scraped jaggery

1/2 tsp cardamom powder.


Grind the rice adding water and little salt. It should be of watery consistency. Make the mixture of Coconut, Jaggery and Cardamom Powder. (add scraped jaggery, and cardamom powder to scraped coconut and mix well)

Heat a Dosa Pan. Take a small piece on onion and prick with fork. Dip the onion in oil and apply to pan all round. Take a ladle of batter and pour onto the pan and turn the pan all round. Close the lid for a minute and then remove the fried pancake (the edges will start leaving the pan) and place it on a plate with the bottom side facing up.

Take about two to three spoons of the coconut and jaggery mixture and place it in a straight line about 1/3 way of the pancake. Close two sides of the pancake . Now start rolling the pancake from the second side to the fourth side to form an roll with the filling in the middle.

Similarly form the other pancake rolls.



200 grams prawns (cleaned, deveined) cut into small bits.

300 grams squid tubes cut into small bits

Heat a pan. Add 2 tblsp coconut oil or any oil. Add 2 to 3 chopped onions and fry for some time. Add 3 chopped green chillies and 2 inches ginger chopped. 3 cloves chopped garlic. Fry for some time. Add salt and chilli paste. (1 tsp red chilli powder, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 3/4 tsp salt and little vinegar). Fry for couple of minutes. Add 2 chopped tomatoes and fry till you get a nice paste mixture. Add the prawns and squid and mix well and cook for 4 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped coriander leaves and serve.



800 gms of Boneless Chicken cuts into 1 inch cubes.

Marinate with 3 tablespoons of Soy Sauce and 2 Tablespoons of Oyster Sauce. Keep it overnight in refrigerator.

3 Capsicum cut into strips

1 Onion sliced

1 Pod Garlic Sliced

1 inch ginger sliced

3 sliced green chillies


In a pressure Pan, add 3 tablespoons of coconut oil or any oil. Add 1 sliced onion. 1 Pod sliced garlic, 1 inch sliced ginger, 3 sliced green chillies, add Capsicum fry for a couple of minutes and remove.

To the same pressure pan add marinated chicken, fry for 3 minutes, add 1/4 cup water and pressure cook for 4 whistles.

In a Pan fry 3 potatoes (300 gms) peeled and cut into fingers and applied little salt.

Open the pressure pan and continue cooking till water has evaporated and the gravy thickens

Heat up a deep pan and add the chicken pieces and veg mixture. Add 3 tsps of pepper powder, mix well. Add fried potatoes and mix well. Garnish with Coriander leaves.