Category Archives: Veal



1/2 Kg Veal sliced finely

250 grams Shiitake Mushrooms


1/4 Cup Maida or all purpose flour

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp white pepper

Mix well and then dip the sliced veal slices in the mixture.

Heat a pan and add a tbslp of olive oil. Fry the Veal slices in this oil in batches. Fry for a minute on each side and remove

Add another tbsp Olive Oil and fry the mushrooms and remove.

In one cup of hot water add two cubes of beef stock to make liquid stock.

Add 1 cup red wine to the pan, one tblsp of honey, beef stock, half cup water, 2 tblsp of lime juice. Cook for 7 to 8 minutes. Add 1/2 tsp white pepper. Stir in 1/3 cup of butter (salted or unsalted). Keep stirring until butter dissolves.

Add fried Veal pieces and fried mushrooms and cook in this mixture till they are coated. The gravy will thicken as the veal has the app purpose flour. Remove when the gravy is thick.