Category Archives: Pork



600 gms Lean Pork cut into small cubes

Add 1/2 tsp of Salt, 1 tsp of Cumin Powder, 1/2 turmeric Powder, 1 tsp of Coriander Powder, 1/2 tsp chilli powder, 1/2 tsp garam masala powder. Marinate the meat for 5 minutes

In a deep pan add 2 tablespoons of oil and fry the marinated pork pieces in batches for 6 minutes till slightly brown and remove.

Add to the same pan 1 tblsp oil and fry 1 chopped red onion for two minutes. Add 4 chopped garlic, 1 inch chopped ginger. Fry for 30 seconds. Add the fried pork pieces and fry. Add 1 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt and 400 ml coconut milk. Let it cook on slow flame for 25 minutes. Add 1/2 of pepper powder, juice of 1 lime and mix well and garnish with coriander leaves.

Crispy Pork Belly




1 Kg Pork Belly (Scored)


¼ tsp pepper powder

½ tsp fennel powder

¼ tsp garam masala powder or spice powder

¼ tsp ginger powder or ginger garlic paste 1 tsp

2 tsp Oyster Sauce

1/4 Cup Soy Sauce

2 tblsp Olive oil

½ tsp salt

¼ cup water


Mix the marinade in a deep tray or roasting dish. Score (cuts parallel or crisscross ) the Pork belly if not already done by the butcher( butcher will do this if requested). Wipe the skin dry with a paper towel to remove any moisture. Place the pork belly immersing only the meat part into the marinade and skin dry. Place in refrigerator overnight uncovered. The skin will become dry in the fridge.

Line a roasting dish with aluminium foil. Take another aluminium foil and place it inside the dish. Now cut out the core and slice an apple. Spread this on the foil. Slice an onion and spread on top of apple slices. Add some sage to the mixture. Sprinkle two tsp of fennel powder on this mixture. Now place the pork belly on top of this mixture. Pull the sides of the aluminium foil to cover the meat but not the skin. Spread two tsp of Olive oil on the skin and then cover it with salt.

Preheat the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes, then place the pork belly dish in the oven and bake for 2 hours. Reserve the marinade for sauce.  Put some water in the dish around the foil containing the pork belly. Continue adding water when it evaporates. After two hours, remove the dish from oven. Take the excess salt from the skin. Place it back in the oven but this time under the grill at 250 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes. This will make the skin crispy (crackling). Remove from oven, if it looks burnt, don’t worry only the salt would have burnt. Let it stand on a cutting board for 10 minutes. Scrape the burnt salt and also excess salt. Cut the pork belly to your required slice sizes.

Apple Sauce: In a vessel add the reserved marinade, the apple sauce from the aluminium foil and the water in the roasting dish. Add ½ tsp salt and boil for 5 minutes. Your sauce is ready.

Have your sliced pork belly with a little apple sauce spread on it.


Pork Indad

Pork Indad

1.2 Kgs Pork (rind with fat and meat) sliced into 2×2 inch pieces

750 gms Potatoes (peeled and sliced)

1 Sliced Onion

Salt & Vinegar

Oil for frying the pork and potatoes


3 Onions

12 Red Chillies

6 Green chillies

12 Pepper Corns

1 Heaped Spoon Cumin Seeds

1 tsp Turmeric Powder

5 cloves

1 piece cinnamon

1 lime sized Tamarind

6 seeds garlic

To be ground in water and little vinegar


Wash the sliced pork and drain. Apply little salt and keep aside for 15 minutes. Apply salt to sliced potatoes and keep aside for 15 minutes. Fry the sliced potatoes and sliced pork slightly on both sides and remove. Heat a vessel and put the oil in which the pork was fried. Season the sliced onion and fry till slightly brown. Fry the ground masala till the colour changes to dark brown. Keep adding the masala water and more water if required. Add 2 to 3 cups water and add the fried pork and boil till pork is cooked. Add salt and vinegar to taste. Add fried potatoes and bring to boil. Pork Indad is ready.

Pork Bafat (Ground Masala)

Pork Bafat (Ground Masala)

2 Kgs Pork cut into Small Pieces


15 Pepper Corns

25 Red Chillies

1 Heaped Spoon Cumin Seeds

1 heaped Tsp Mustard Seeds

2 Heaped Spoons Coriander Seeds

1 tsp Turmeric Powder

Green Masala:

6 Chopped Onions

2 Pods Chopped Garlic

6 inches Ginger Chopped

6 Big Green Chillies Chopped


2 Cinnamon Leaves

15 cloves

2 big sticks Cinnamon

Half cup vinegar

A small lemon sized ball of Tamarind – immersed in warm water and tamarind water to be used.


Salt to taste

3 Green Bananas (cut into small cubes) (optional)

Pork Blood or black pudding little or small piece smashed and soaked in vinegar. (Optional)


Grind the ingredients and keep aside. Heat a vessel and add two tablespoon of oil. When hot add the cinnamon, cloves and cinnamon leaves. Then add the green masala and fry till onions loses its rawness. Add the ground masala and fry for a few minutes. Then add the pork pieces, salt, 3 spoons vinegar and masala water. Cook till meat is nearly cooked. Now you can add the banana pieces, the pork blood or vinegar and tamarind water. Check for salt and cook for further 10 mins. Pork Bafat is ready.

If you cook this a day or couple of days earlier before the actual meal it will taste better.

Dexter Special “Mixed Haka Noodles”

Mixed Haka Noodles


1 Kg of Cooked Noodles (Chinese Supermarket) or Noodle Packets ( to be boiled and drained)

200 gms Round Beans (sliced into strips)

200 gms Carrots (cut into 3 to 4 pieces, julienned-thin long strips)

2 Capsicums (seeded and sliced into strips- lengthwise)

1 Bunch Spring Onions (sliced)

I Cup Boiled Prawns (raw prawns, shelled, deveined, boiled with salt, vinegar, turmeric powder and water).

200 gms Ham (sliced into strips)

200 Gms Chicken Breasts (boiled with salt, vinegar, turmeric powder and water)- sliced into strips when cool.

5 seeds Garlic (sliced)

4 tbsp Soy Sauce

2 tbsp Tomato Sauce

2 Tbsp Chilli Sauce

1 tsp Pepper Powder

2 Eggs (for Omelette- garnishing)

Half cup chilli oil for frying

Chilli Oil

In a pan heat a cup of chilli oil and when hot (not smoking) add two tbsp chilli powder and remove. When cool, drain through a cloth or old handkerchief. Use this oil for frying the noodles and ingredients.


Boil water in a vessel. Drop the noodle packets (break the slab of noodles into pieces and drop into water). After 2 to 3 minutes, add 1 tsp of oil (to prevent the noodles from sticking). Cook for a couple of minutes more and then drain the noodles. Pour cold water and drain completely. Allow to cool.


In a pan heat little oil and then prepare egg omelette. Cut into strips and keep aside for garnishing.

Heat 1 tbsp of chilli oil or any oil and fry the boiled noodles in batches. Remove into a vessel for mixing. Next, heat 1 tbsp of chilli oil or any oil and fry the cut vegetables. Remove into the mixing vessel. Next, heat another tbsp of Chilli oil or any oil and fry the chicken, ham and prawns one by one and add to mixing vessel. Mix all the ingredients and noodles.

Sprinkle Pepper Powder and sauces into the mixture, add the omelette strips and mix well.

Mixed Haka Noodles

“Britto Goa Sausages” Cooking Recipe

Britto Goa Sausages

“Britto Goa Sausages” Cooking Recipe

½ Kg of “Britto Goa Sausages” or Goa Sausages


3 Onions or 300 grams

1 Peeled Potato (medium)

15 flakes Garlic

1 Green Chillie

2 inches Ginger


Chop Onions, Ginger, Chillie, Garlic. Cut the potatoes into small cubes.

Open up the sausages and separate the meat from the gut. Immerse the gut in warm water and this will give you some masala water.

Place a pan on fire. Add little oil and fry the onions. When the onions turn translucent add the chillie, garlic and ginger and fry for sometime. Now add the meat pieces and fry. Add masala water and allow it to cook for sometime. Add the cubed potatoes and mix well. Cook on slow fire after closing the lid. Check the meat for salt & vinegar and then check if the potato has cooked and if yes, put off the fire and allow it settle down by its own heat.

Eat with bread/chapatti/rice.