Category Archives: Tikka

Chicken Tikka Masala


1 Kilo Boneless Chicken Thighs (to be cut into medium sized pieces)


1 and half Green Peppers or Capsicum

1 and half onion

2 Tomatos

3 Chillies

Cut all the above into big pieces about 1 inch (remove seeds from capsicum and remove and reserve the pulp from the tomatoes)


1 Pod Garlic

3 inches Ginger

Above ginger/garlic paste (grind) – 2 tbsp for Marinade and 2 tbsp for Gravy

1 tbsp Kashmiri chilli powder

1 tsp of turmeric

1 Tsp of cumin seed powder

1 tsp coriander seed powder

Juice of 2 lemons

3 Tbsps. Kasoori Methi (Dried Fenugreek Leaves) – to be dry roasted a little and ground to powder. Use half for marinade.

1 and half tsp salt

4 Tablespoons Oil

1 and half cup of Yoghurt

A big bunch of fresh coriander leaves (chopped)


2 Tomatoes and the reserved pulp from the first two tomatoes

2 Tbsp Cashewnut Pieces

Make a paste from the above two ingredients.

2 onions finely chopped

2 tbsp of ginger garlic paste

1 tbsp Kashmiri chilli powder

Remaining Kasoori Methi (Fenugreek Leaves) powder

1 tsp of Coriander seeds powder

1 tsp of cumin seeds powder

¾ tsp Turmeric Powder

Water from blender- ginger garlic paste or normal water

1 tsp Salt

2 and half tsp Oil

1 bunch Coriander leaves for garnishing (chopped)

150 ml Fresh Cream


½ tsp cumin seeds

3 cinnamon sticks

2 bays leaves (broken)

2 black cardamom

7 green cardamoms

8 cloves


Prepare the marinade. Take sufficient to marinate the chicken. The rest marinate the vegetable pieces. Keep aside for half an hour. Grill this on a grill or in the oven. Grill chicken on both side and then add the vegetables and grill some more and then you have the heat from both the chicken and grill into the vegetables. Take it out and reserve.

Take a deep pan or vessel. Heat oil and then add the whole garam masala (bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, cloves, cardamoms) then add the cumin seeds. When cumin seeds start spluttering add the chopped onions and salt. When onions become brown add masala powders (turmeric, chilli, coriander, cumin) and ginger garlic paste. Mix well and add the water from blender or normal water. Let it cook for a few minutes (5 minutes). When the oil starts separating add the mixture of tomato and cashewnuts. Mix well and cook for some more time. Add remaining marinade and mix well. Add water if it too dry, close and cook for some more time. Add Kasoori methi powder and mix. Add the grilled chicken and vegetables. Cook it on slow fire for 10 minutes.

Take the lid off and mix. Check for salt and then add the fresh cream (shake the bottle before adding). Garnish with coriander leaves, mix and put off.