Category Archives: Salmon



1 Whole Salmon gutted and cleaned. Remove the fins.

Make a slit along the spine to form a pocket. Make a paste of salt and chilli. 3 tsps chilli powder, 1 tsp turmeric powder, 1.5 tsp salt, 1 spoon olive oil and little lime juice. Apply to Salmon inside and outside and also inside the pocket created earlier.

Onion, Chilli, Ginger, garlic and tomatoes paste

3 onions finely chopped

6 green chillies chopped

1.5 pod garlic and 3 inches ginger finely chopped

400 gms tomatoes chopped

Salt and chilli paste 2 tsp

Bunch of chopped coriander leaves or Parsley

Heat a pan add 3 tblsp oil. When hot add chopped onions. When onions are slightly fried, add ginger, garlic, green chillies and fry for 4 minutes. Add the salt and chilli paste slightly diluted. Add tomatoes. Fry till dry. Add chopped coriander leaves or parsley.

When cool fill the above paste into the fill into the fish. The pocket and also inside the fish and the head. Place the whole fish on a baking tray (if it can fit into the oven) or cut it in half and place on two trays. Spray little oil or sprinkle oil on the fish. Preheat the Oven at 200 degrees and bake the fish for 30 minutes. Now grill the fish for 5 minutes on each side. If you are unable to turn the fish, grill on one side only.

Enjoy King Salmon Stuffed and Grilled