Puri Bhaji

Puri Bhaji


500 gms Potatoes (Boiled, peeled and cut into cubes)

1 tsp Mustard Seeds

½ tsp Urid Dhal (Black Gram)

½ Tsp Cumin Seeds or Jeera

1 small chopped Onion

1 inch chopped ginger

2 chopped green chillies

15 curry leaves

Small bunch chopped coriander leaves (Cilantro)

½ tsp turmeric powder

Salt to taste (1 tsp)

A pinch Asafoetida or Hing

¾ cup water

Oil for seasoning


Heat a deep pan and add 2 tblsp oil. When oil is hot add the mustard, urid dhal and cumin seeds. When urid dhal turns brown add the chopped ginger and green chillies. Fry for 30 seconds add the chopped onion and fry for a minute. Add the turmeric powder, Asafoetida and salt. Now mix and add the cut potatoes and half of the coriander leaves. Mix and add water – cook on slow flame for 5 minutes. Now add the remaining coriander leaves, mix and remove. The mixture should be slightly wetish.


3 cups of Whole Wheat Flour ( Chapati Flour)

1 tsp salt

1 tblsp Oil

Water for kneading the flour

Flour for dusting the puris while rolling them

Oil for deep frying the puris


Knead the flour along with salt, oil and water to form a dough. Form small balls (lime Sized). Roll them into puris dusting with wheat flour. Heat sufficient oil in a deep pan. When hot add a rolled puri. Press it slightly so that the puri puffs up. Turn to other side. Fry for 30 secs and remove. This way fry all puris.

Puris can be eaten with Potato bhaji, sambhar and coconut chutney.

Instant Onion Rava Dosa




1 Cup Fine Rava (Semolina)

1 Cup Rice Flour

½ Cup Maida or Standard Flour

1 tsp Cumin Seeds

1 tsp Salt


Mix all above – watery consistency


1/c Chopped Onion

4 Chopped Green Chillies

½ Inch Chopped Ginger

10 Chopped Curry Leaves

Small bunch of Chopped Coriander Leaves

Mix well and add more water if required (watery consistency)

Keep aside for 30 minutes


Heat a non-stick or Dosa pan. Apply little oil. Spread the batter on the pan- Close with lid and cook on medium heat. Apply little ghee or clarified butter. Remove when crisp.

Have with coconut chutney or sambhar or dry coconut chutney.

Dexter Special “Mixed Haka Noodles”

Mixed Haka Noodles


1 Kg of Cooked Noodles (Chinese Supermarket) or Noodle Packets ( to be boiled and drained)

200 gms Round Beans (sliced into strips)

200 gms Carrots (cut into 3 to 4 pieces, julienned-thin long strips)

2 Capsicums (seeded and sliced into strips- lengthwise)

1 Bunch Spring Onions (sliced)

I Cup Boiled Prawns (raw prawns, shelled, deveined, boiled with salt, vinegar, turmeric powder and water).

200 gms Ham (sliced into strips)

200 Gms Chicken Breasts (boiled with salt, vinegar, turmeric powder and water)- sliced into strips when cool.

5 seeds Garlic (sliced)

4 tbsp Soy Sauce

2 tbsp Tomato Sauce

2 Tbsp Chilli Sauce

1 tsp Pepper Powder

2 Eggs (for Omelette- garnishing)

Half cup chilli oil for frying

Chilli Oil

In a pan heat a cup of chilli oil and when hot (not smoking) add two tbsp chilli powder and remove. When cool, drain through a cloth or old handkerchief. Use this oil for frying the noodles and ingredients.


Boil water in a vessel. Drop the noodle packets (break the slab of noodles into pieces and drop into water). After 2 to 3 minutes, add 1 tsp of oil (to prevent the noodles from sticking). Cook for a couple of minutes more and then drain the noodles. Pour cold water and drain completely. Allow to cool.


In a pan heat little oil and then prepare egg omelette. Cut into strips and keep aside for garnishing.

Heat 1 tbsp of chilli oil or any oil and fry the boiled noodles in batches. Remove into a vessel for mixing. Next, heat 1 tbsp of chilli oil or any oil and fry the cut vegetables. Remove into the mixing vessel. Next, heat another tbsp of Chilli oil or any oil and fry the chicken, ham and prawns one by one and add to mixing vessel. Mix all the ingredients and noodles.

Sprinkle Pepper Powder and sauces into the mixture, add the omelette strips and mix well.

Mixed Haka Noodles

Spicy Chicken Livers Dry



500 gms Chicken Livers


12 Dry Red Chillies

5 Seeds Garlic

1 tsp Cumin seeds

¾ tsp Turmeric Powder

Small Ball Tamarind

12  pepper corns

Two sticks cinnamon

5 cloves

All the above ingredients to be ground fine in water.

1 Onion Chopped

15 Curry Leaves

1/2 scraped Coconut

Vinegar ( 1 to 2 tbls)

Salt (1.5 tsp) to taste

Chopped coriander leaves few stalks.


Clean and Cut Chicken Livers into 2 to 3 pieces each, wash well and boil the pieces with a little salt, 1 tsp pepper powder, ½ tsp turmeric powder, 2 tblsp vinegar and one cup water.

Grind and remove the masala and reserve the masala water.

Fry 4 tablespoons of the ground masala. Add the scraped coconut and fry till you get the fried coconut aroma. Remove the coconut.

Heat two tablespoons oil and add curry leaves and then fry the chopped onion. When brown add the ground masala and fry till dry. Add the masala water and again fry till nearly dry. Now add boiled chicken liver pieces and fry till they are coated with the masala. Now add the boiled water, vinegar, salt and allow to cook till the meat is nearly dry.

Check for salt and vinegar- add if required. Add the fried scraped coconut and mix well. Add chopped coriander leaves. Mix and remove from flame.