Category Archives: Mutton



375 gms Mutton Chops (washed and drained)

Add: 3/4 tsp Coriander Powder, 1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder, 1/2 of Kashmiri Chilli Powder, 1 tsp ginger garlic paste (or 1/2 tsp of garlic powder or 1/2 tsp of ginger powder). lemon juice about 1 tblsp and 1/2 tsp of salt. Mix the mutton chops in this and keep aside for 30 minutes

Add 10 chopped mint leaves, 1 tblsp yoghurt, 1/2 tsp garam masala powder, 2 tablespoon fried onions (readymade from grocer or fry sliced onions until brown and remove to paper towels. When cooled you can add the fried onions). Mix and then cover with clingwrap. Place in refrigerator overnight.

Line a tray with aluminium foil and place the marinated cutlets (chops) on the tray. Spray with oil and baked in preheated oven on 250degrees for 15 minutes. Remove and turn over the chops. Place some crushed garlic on the chops and sprinkle some herbs, rosemary, thyme and sage. Sprinkle lime or lemon juice. Spray oil and place in oven and bake for another 15 minutes. Remove and sprinkle little lime juice. Enjoy



1.2 Kg Mutton cuts into medium pieces.

Marinate the mutton with the below items for 2 hours

1 heaped tblsp of Kashmiri chili powder

1 spoon of turmeric powder

1.5 spoon of coriander owder

1.5 spoon of cumin seed poder

3/4 spoon salt

2 spoons ginger garlic paste

1 cup yoghurt


Heat a deep pan and add 3 tblsp oil. When hot add 3 bay leaves, 6 cloves, 5 green cardamom. Fry for a minute. Now add 8 cloves chopped garlic and 2 inch ginger chopped and fry for 3 minutes. Now add 4 chopped onions and 6 green chillies finely chopped and salt (1 tsp) and fry till onions are slightly brown.

Add marinated meat, mix well and fry for 4 minutes on high heat and then lower the heat and cook for 45 minutes. Add 3 chopped tomatoes and 1/2 tsp salt and again cook it for another 45 minutes .

Add 1.5 tblsp of garam masala and salt if required and cook for another 15 minutes till meat is cooked. If meat is still tough add little water and cook till meat is cooked completely. Sprinkle chopped coriander leaves and serve.



1 Kg of Mutton (Goat) or Lamb ( pressure cook with 1/2 tsp salt , 2 spoons vinegar and 1 tsp pepper powder, for 6 to 8 whistles)

2 Onions Finely chopped

3 large tomatoes chopped

1.5 tsp red chilli powder

1 tsp of turmeric powder

1 tsp of Fennel Powder (Sauf)

1 Spoon of Coriander Powder

1 bay leaf, 5 cloves and 4 green cardamom, one stick cinnamon

A bunch of Chopped coriander Leaves

2 tsp garam masala powder


5 Red Chillies

5 Kashmiri Chillies

1 tsp Kuskus

1 tsp Cumin Seeds

1 tsp Fennel Seeds

1/2 tsp Pepper Corns

6 cloves

2 inches Cinnamon Sticks

1 cup grated coconut and 1/2 tsp turmeric powder

All to be dry roasted separately and then ground with

2 inch of ginger & 12 cloves garlic to make the masala.


Heat a heavy bottom vessel and add 3 tblsp oil. When hot add bay leaf, 5 cloves, 4 green cardamom and 1 stick cinnamon. Fry for 30 seconds and then add chopped onions. Fry onions till brown, add ground masala. Mix and fry on slow flame for 10 minutes. Add masala water if the masala dries up. Add the boiled meat, mix and fry for 3 to 4 minutes. Add all the spices and fry for 2 to 3 minutes and add tomatoes. Add masala water and the water from boiled meat and cook on slow flame for 15 minutes. Fry till it becomes slightly dry, add garam masala powder and coriander leaves. Cook for few more minutes and remove.

Pathrade in Mutton Curry

Patrade Mutton Curry


2 Cakes of Steamed Pathrade Shredded and steam (cut into slices) – see my recipe to get this.

½ Kilo Mutton or Lamb cut into small pieces

1 Can Coconut Milk (425 ml)- ¼ use as thick. Remaining add a cup water to form thin juice.

5 Red Chillies

1 flat tblsp chilli powder

¼ tsp mustard seeds

5 pepper corns

1 tsp cumin seeds

1tsp Turmeric Powder

2 cloves garlic

A small ball Tamarind

1 tsp boiled rice

1 tblsp coriander seeds

1.5 tsp Salt

2 tblsp ghee or clarified butter

6 spoons of scraped coconut

1 sliced onion for Masala

1 sliced onion for cooking


Boil the mutton in 2 to 3 thin coconut and 1 tsp of salt till well cooked. Roast the ingredients one by one and remove (except chilli, turmeric powder and tamarind). Fry the coconut along with onion and garlic, when half done add the chilli and turmeric powder and fry till you get a good aroma. Roast the boiled rice and remove. Grind all together along with tamarind using thin coconut juice.

Place a deep vessel on stove. Heat two tblsps ghee and when hot add the sliced onion. When onion turns slightly brown add the ground masala and fry for some time (5 Minutes). Add boiled mutton and gravy. Add masala water. Cook for sometime (3 minutes). Add thick coconut juice and salt to taste. Mix well and bring to boil. The gravy should not be thick. The pathrade will absorb the gravy, so keep it slightly thin. Add the pathrade slices and bring to boil and put off.

Lamb or Mutton Masala


600 Mutton or Lamb



½ tsp turmeric powder

½ tsp Red Chilli Powder

½ tsp Coriander Powder

Salt to taste (3/4 tsp)


6 Tbsp Dexter’s Meat Masala Paste (see Video)

Other ingredients:

One sprig curry leaves

½ Chopped Onion

½ tsp Salt

2 Small Sliced Tomatoes

Few Stalks Chopped Coriander Leaves

4 to 6 boiled eggs



Cut the Lamb or Mutton into medium pieces (wash and drain) and marinate with the marinade ingredients for at least 30 mins.

Heat 2 tbsps. of oil in a pan and add the marinated Lamb or Mutton pieces and fry till the meat is slightly browned (seal the meat). Transfer to a pressure cooker and cooked the meat (6 whistles). Separate the meat pieces and gravy.

Add the 2 tbsps. oil and add chopped Onion and salt. Fry till onions are brown. Add 6 Tbsps. of Dexter’s Meat Masala Paste and sliced tomatoes and fry till masala attains a brown colour and oil oozes out from mixture. Add the Lamb or Mutton. Add water (Preferably the boiled meat water). The consistency of gravy should be slightly thick. Add curry leaves. Mix well and Add boiled eggs. Mix well and cook for a couple of minutes. Garnish with Coriander leaves and remove from fire.

Lamb or Mutton Ghee (Clarified Butter) Roast



600 Mutton or Lamb



½ tsp turmeric powder

½ tsp Red Chilli Powder

½ tsp Coriander Powder

Salt to taste (3/4 tsp)


6 Tbsp Dexter’s Meat Masala Paste (see Video)

Other ingredients:

7 Tbsps Ghee

One sprig curry leaves



Cut the Lamb or Mutton into medium pieces (wash and drain) and marinate with the marinade ingredients for at least 30 mins.

Heat 2 tbsps of the ghee in a pan and add the marinated Lamb or Mutton pieces and fry till the meat is slightly browned (seal the meat). Transfer to a pressure cooker and cooked the meat (6 whistles). Separate the meat pieces and gravy.

Add the 4 tbsps ghee and add 6 Tbsps of Dexter’s Meat masala Paste to the pan and fry till rawness goes and oil comes out of the mixture. Add little of the gravy and cook further till the get a brown colour. Add water if required (preferably the boiled meat water). The consistency of gravy should be slightly thick. Add the Lamb or Mutton and salt to taste. Mix well and Cook till water dries up. Add 1 tbsp ghee, mix well.

Garnish with curry leaves and remove from fire.

Lamb or Mutton Vindaloo


1.5 Kg Lamb or Mutton cut into medium pieces. (wash and keep aside)



20 Red Chillies

50 Pepper Corns

1 Tsp of Cumin Seeds

1Tsp Turmeric Powder

1 marble sized Tamarind

8 green chillies

5 Onions

8 seeds garlic

Other Ingredients:

400 gms Potatoes peeled and cut into medium cubes

Quarter cup Oil

1 Onion (minced)

3 tbsp vinegar

1 tsp sugar

2 tsp Salt


Grind all the ingredients using some water. Keep aside. Also keep aside the masala water from the grinder.

Heat a vessel and add the oil. When hot add minced onion and one tsp salt. When onion becomes slightly brown add the ground masala. Fry for about 15 to 20 minutes. If the mixture dries up add masala water. When the masala turns brown add the meat pieces and fry for 5 to 10 minutes. Cook for another 30 minutes or until the meat is ¾ cooked. 20 minutes into this cooking add rest of salt and vinegar. Check meat if it is nearly cooked (3/4). Add potatoes and water to make required thick gravy. Boil for another 15 minutes until the potatoes and meat is cooked. (another way is to add boiled potatoes after meat is fully cooked).

Check for Salt and Vinegar-to taste.

Lamb Liver Curry


1 Kg Lamb Liver (can be made up of Liver, Heart and Lungs)

For this Recipe I used Liver and two Hearts.

Cut the liver and heart into small cubes – wash and keep aside


Green Masala

1.5 medium onions

1 inch ginger

6 Green Chillies

6 cloves garlic

All above to be minced or chopped fine


20 Red Chillies

15 Pepper Corns

2 Tbsp. Coriander Seeds

1 Tsp of Cumin Seeds

½ Tsp Turmeric Powder

3 marble sized Tamarind

Other Ingredients:

400 gms Potatoes peeled and cut into small cubes

2 Tbsp. of Ghee or Clarified Butter

1/2 Onion (minced)

3 tbsp vinegar

1 Can (425 ml) of Coconut Milk (2/3 used for thin juice and 1/3 thick juice)


Roast on a pan each ingredient for grinding separately (except Tamarind and Turmeric).Grind all the ingredients using some water. Keep aside. Also keep aside the masala water from the grinder.

Heat a vessel and drop in the Ghee or Clarified Butter. When hot add minced onion and one tsp salt. When onion becomes slightly brown add the ground masala. Fry for about 5 minutes. Add masala water and thin coconut milk (2/3 of the coconut milk mixed with one cup of water). Add the liver and heart pieces. Boil for 20 minutes and then add the green masala, potatoes and vinegar. Boil for another 10 minutes until the potatoes are cooked.

Check for Salt and Vinegar-to taste. Add the thick coconut milk. Mix well and bring to boil.

“Rara Gosht” Roasted Mutton Curry


Video Link

1 Kilo Boneless Lamb or Mutton (to be cut into medium sized pieces)

300 gms of Lamb or Mutton Mince


one inch piece ginger (paste)

8 Flakes Garlic (paste)

A big bunch of fresh coriander leaves (chopped)

A bunch of mint leaves (chopped)

1 cup Oil

3 Big onions – sliced

5 big Tomatoes – chopped

2 Tbsp Coriander Powder

1 to 2 Tsp Chillie Powder (depending on your spice requirements)

6 Tbsp Yoghurt

1 tsp salt

Garam Masala:

4 sticks Cinnamon

6 Gloves

8 Green cardomon

1 Tsp Shahjeera (black Cumin Seeds or Caraway Seeds)

2 Mace

1 small piece Nutmeg

All these to be dry roasted and ground in powder





Heat a pan or vessel. Add one cup oil. Fry the meat pieces in batches if required (so as to not crowd them). When they attain a brownish colour (remove each batch) and then add all back to pan. Add the sliced onions and salt. Mix and fry till onions become brown. Add the ginger & garlic paste, mix and fry for two minutes. Add the coriander and chilli powders and mix well.

Add beaten yoghurt and mix well. Add the coriander, mint leaves and chopped tomatoes. Mix well, close with lid and cook on slow fire for 45 minutes. If gravy dries up- add water. Add the mince and Garam Masala Powder. Mix and cook for another 15 minutes. Check for salt requirements. Add and cook for two minutes. Put off the flame and remove from stove.

Have this with Bread or Rotis or Chapati or Naan.

Achari Gosht or Achari Mutton or Pickle Mutton

Achari Gosht

1.5 Kilo Mutton or Goat Meat (to be cut into medium sized pieces)


Achari Masala:

1.5 tsp of Onion seeds or Kalonji

¾ tsp of Fenugreek Seeds or Methi Seeds

1.5 tsp of Mustard Seeds

12 Cloves

1.5 tsp Fennel Seeds

¾ tsp of Cummin Seeds

12 Red Chillies

All these have to be dry roasted and ground to make a powder.


2 Cups Yoghurt

1.5 tsp Salt

Ground achari masala powder (balance after using enough for the chillies)

Juice of 3 lemons & Ground powder (to stuff the chillies and soak the stuffed chillies)

8 green chillies (slit on one side and stuffed with paste of ground powder and little lemon juice)

Other Ingredients:

1 tsp of Turmeric Powder

1 tsp of Red Chilli Powder

1 tsp of Garam Masala Powder

1.5 cup of chopped coriander leaves

2 Onions Chopped fine

Ginger 3 inches & Garlic 12 cloves (paste)

2 Tomatoes Chopped fine

1 Cup of Mustard Oil


Prepare the marinade for Green Chillies (sufficient to stuff the chillies). Slit the chillies on one side, remove seeds and stuff with the paste. Place all the stuffed chillies in a bowl and soak them in the remaining lemon juice. Keep aside for half an hour.

Prepare marinade for Mutton (yoghurt, salt and remaining ground powder). Marinate the mutton and keep aside for 15 to 20 minutes.

Take a pressure cooker. Heat oil one cup of mustard oil. When hot add chopped onions and ½ tspsalt. When onions become brown add turmeric and ginger garlic paste. Fry for some time (3 minutes) and add chopped tomatoes and fry for 5 minutes. Add the Red chilli and Garam Masala Powder . Mix well and fry for a minute. Add the marinated mutton and fry till the mutton pieces and well coated with the masala. Add little water (don’t add too much, as water from mutton will come out while pressure cooked) and pressure cook it. A couple of whistles and then keep it on slow fire for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Take the lid off and check whether mutton is cooked. Also if the gravy is more than reduce the gravy by keeping the cooker open and cooking it further to let the water evaporates. The gravy should be slightly thick. Check for salt, add if required. Add the stuffed chillies, lemon juice and mix well. Boil on slow fire for 10 minutes. Add Coriander leaves and put off the flame (or remove from stove if electric stove).