Tag Archives: Rice Marbles



200 gms Boiled Rice

200 gms Idli Rice

180 gms Jaggery Powder or scraped Jaggery

1 Can (400 ml) of Coconut Milk

1/4 tsp Cardamom Powder

1 Pinch of Nutmeg Powder

1/4 tsp Salt

Sufficient oil to fill half a deep pan for frying (veg oil or coconut oil)


Wash and soak the rice for 4 hours. Drain and grind along with jaggery, coconut milk, cardamom powder, nutmeg powder and salt

Pour the batter into a deep non-stick pan and on slow fire allow the batter to thicken stirring all the time. When the moisture in the batter has dried up and the batter forms into a dough, remove into a tray. Knead and start making gulio or rice marbles by applying little ghee on your palms and with a small piece between your palms make a circular motion.

After all the dough is used up to form gulio, place a deep pan and add sufficient oil (about half the pan) to fry the gulio. When oil is hot, reduce heat and add the gulios. Fry for about 4 to 5 minutes, when they turn brown remove to a perforated vessel or paper towels. When the gulios or rice marbles cool they will be crunchy.

Store in a air tight container.