Tag Archives: Rice Ladoos



310 gms Rice Powder (10gms for dusting the ladoos at the end)

150 gms Jaggery (natural)

100 gms desiccated Coconut or scraped Coconut

1/4 tsp Cardamom Powder

2 tablespoon Seasame Seeds

1.5 tblsp of Ghee


Dry roast the rice powder, stirring ontinously until it becomes slightly brown (about 5 minutes), when bottom becomes slightly brown. Remove to a mixing bowl and then dry roast the sesame seeds.Remove and add to rice powder. Add Cardamom powder. Now add two tblsp ghee to pan and add jaggery. When the jaggery starts melting add about three tblsp of water and continue stirring till you get a sticky syrup.( Drop a drop or drops of the syrup into a small bowl of cold water. When you remove the blop of jaggery it should be sticky to touch). Add desiccated coconut or scraped coconut to syrup and mix. Put off the flame. Drop the whole mixture to the bowl of rice powder and mix well.

Take sufficient quantity to make a ladoo and form into a ball. Press hard otherwise when you finally form the ladoo into a ball it will crumble. Apply little ghee on your palms. Now roll each ladoo to form a round and smooth ladoo.

Finally roll the ladoo’s in the reserved rice powder and remove. Store the ladoos in airtight container to be consumed in three or four days or store in refrigerator ( for longer lasting). Enjoy!! 20 ladoo’s