Category Archives: Spicy

Achari Gosht or Achari Mutton or Pickle Mutton

Achari Gosht

1.5 Kilo Mutton or Goat Meat (to be cut into medium sized pieces)


Achari Masala:

1.5 tsp of Onion seeds or Kalonji

¾ tsp of Fenugreek Seeds or Methi Seeds

1.5 tsp of Mustard Seeds

12 Cloves

1.5 tsp Fennel Seeds

¾ tsp of Cummin Seeds

12 Red Chillies

All these have to be dry roasted and ground to make a powder.


2 Cups Yoghurt

1.5 tsp Salt

Ground achari masala powder (balance after using enough for the chillies)

Juice of 3 lemons & Ground powder (to stuff the chillies and soak the stuffed chillies)

8 green chillies (slit on one side and stuffed with paste of ground powder and little lemon juice)

Other Ingredients:

1 tsp of Turmeric Powder

1 tsp of Red Chilli Powder

1 tsp of Garam Masala Powder

1.5 cup of chopped coriander leaves

2 Onions Chopped fine

Ginger 3 inches & Garlic 12 cloves (paste)

2 Tomatoes Chopped fine

1 Cup of Mustard Oil


Prepare the marinade for Green Chillies (sufficient to stuff the chillies). Slit the chillies on one side, remove seeds and stuff with the paste. Place all the stuffed chillies in a bowl and soak them in the remaining lemon juice. Keep aside for half an hour.

Prepare marinade for Mutton (yoghurt, salt and remaining ground powder). Marinate the mutton and keep aside for 15 to 20 minutes.

Take a pressure cooker. Heat oil one cup of mustard oil. When hot add chopped onions and ½ tspsalt. When onions become brown add turmeric and ginger garlic paste. Fry for some time (3 minutes) and add chopped tomatoes and fry for 5 minutes. Add the Red chilli and Garam Masala Powder . Mix well and fry for a minute. Add the marinated mutton and fry till the mutton pieces and well coated with the masala. Add little water (don’t add too much, as water from mutton will come out while pressure cooked) and pressure cook it. A couple of whistles and then keep it on slow fire for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Take the lid off and check whether mutton is cooked. Also if the gravy is more than reduce the gravy by keeping the cooker open and cooking it further to let the water evaporates. The gravy should be slightly thick. Check for salt, add if required. Add the stuffed chillies, lemon juice and mix well. Boil on slow fire for 10 minutes. Add Coriander leaves and put off the flame (or remove from stove if electric stove).

Beef Pepper Fry


400 to 500 Grams Boneless Beef (to be cut into small sized cubes and boiled with ½ tsp turmeric, 1 tsp pepper powder, 3 tbsp. vinegar, ½ tsp salt and 1/3 cup water). Pressure Cooked or in a vessel till cooked.


1.5 Onion Chopped fine

1 Big Tomato chopped fine

Ginger & Garlic paste (8 cloves garlic & 3 inches ginger)

2 Sprigs Curry leaves

1 bunch coriander leaves – chopped

½ tsp turmeric,

2 tsp Pepper Powder

1 tsp garam masala powder (spice powder)

½ tsp salt



Place a pan on gas or electric stove. Add oil. When hot add the boiled meat and fry till brown (not fully fried). Add curry leaves and fry 30 seconds. Remove the beef and curry leaves from the pan and place aside. Add ginger & garlic paste and fry for 30 seconds. Add chopped onions and ½ tsp salt and fry till slightly brown.

Add turmeric powder and mix well. Then pepper powder and the stock (little by little) and fry well. Add chopped tomatoes and fry well. Add the fried beef and curry leaves. Mix well till the beef is well coated with the masala. Add garam masala powder and salt to taste and fry till dry. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and mix well. Remove from stove.

Beef Pepper Fry!

Spice To Y0ur Taste Seafood Mariner

2015-11-22 10.05.24.jpg

Video Link

Spice To Your Taste Seafood Mariner

400 Grams Fresh Seafood Mariner (should be available in Deli section in Supermarket) otherwise can use Prawns, Mussels etc.


1 ½ Big Onions

1 two inch piece ginger

1 Pod Garlic (10 flakes) – (optional)

3 Green Chillies (according to spice requirements)

1 Big Tomato

A big bunch of fresh coriander leaves

2 sprigs Curry Leaves (optional)

All the above ingredients to be chopped fine

½ Tsp Black Pepper Powder

½ Tsp Red Chilli Powder (according to spice requirements, may be skipped)

¾ Tsp Turmeric Powder

Salt (1tsp)

3 Tablespoons Oil


Heat the 3 tablespoons oil in a deep pan or Wok. When hot add chopped garlic and fry slightly. Add the chopped ginger and chopped green chillies and continue frying for a minute. Add the chopped onions and 1 tsp of salt. The salt will bring out the moisture in the onions and quicken the frying process. When the onion in the mixture has lost its rawness, add chopped curry leaves and fry well till slightly brown.

Now add the powders, mix well and add chopped tomatoes. Mix and allow cooking for 3 minutes, adding the chopped coriander leaves, mixing and cooking for another 3 minutes. Add water if required (if the mixture dries up).

Add the Seafood Mariner and mix well. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes (according to your flame-Gas cooks faster). Do not overcook (the squid and mussels will become rubbery). Check for salt (though not required) and if you want it to be more sour, add vinegar to taste (one tomato makes it sufficiently sour). If you want slight gravy add little water.

Turn the flame off and allow cooking further in its own heat.

“Britto Goa Sausages” Cooking Recipe

Britto Goa Sausages

“Britto Goa Sausages” Cooking Recipe

½ Kg of “Britto Goa Sausages” or Goa Sausages


3 Onions or 300 grams

1 Peeled Potato (medium)

15 flakes Garlic

1 Green Chillie

2 inches Ginger


Chop Onions, Ginger, Chillie, Garlic. Cut the potatoes into small cubes.

Open up the sausages and separate the meat from the gut. Immerse the gut in warm water and this will give you some masala water.

Place a pan on fire. Add little oil and fry the onions. When the onions turn translucent add the chillie, garlic and ginger and fry for sometime. Now add the meat pieces and fry. Add masala water and allow it to cook for sometime. Add the cubed potatoes and mix well. Cook on slow fire after closing the lid. Check the meat for salt & vinegar and then check if the potato has cooked and if yes, put off the fire and allow it settle down by its own heat.

Eat with bread/chapatti/rice.

Fish Ambot-Tik (Sour & Spicy)

Ambot -Tik

Fish Ambot-Tik

½ Kg of Shark or Lemon Fish


12 Red Chillies

½ tsp Turmeric Powder

2 Cardamon Pods

12 Pepper corns

5 Cloves

2 sticks Cinnamon

A piece ginger

6 flakes garlic

¾ tsp Cummin Seeds

½ Tsp Mustard Seeds

Lemon Sized Tamarind(to be immersed in water and only use the water)

2 Onions to be chopped.

10 curry leaves

2 Sliced green chillies

1 spoon vinegar


Clean the shark, wash and cut into pieces. Add little salt (1 tsp) and a little vinegar, mix and keep aside for about 15 minutes.

Grind the masala. Place a pan on fire. Add oil (3 spoons). When hot add curry leaves and then chopped onions. When brown add the ground masala and fry well. When the mixture turns brown add the masala water, tamarind water, spoon vinegar and sliced chillies. When it starts bubbling add the shark pieces and allow to cook. Check if cooked and for salt & vinegar if required and add water if more gravy is required. Remove from fire.

This can be prepared with Mackerel, Seer(Surmai), Pomfret.