Tag Archives: Oyster Omelette



16 Oysters

3 Eggs

1 Tblsp Corn Starch Mixed in little water

1/2 Onion Chopped

2 chopped green chillies

1 clove chopped garlic

1/4 tsp Salt

1/4 tsp Turmeric Powder

1/2 tsp Pepper Powder

Small Bunch Coriander leaves(chopped)

1 Stalk Spring Onions (chopped)

2 tblsp Olive Oil

1/2 tsp Garam Masala

Chilli Sauce or Sweet Chilli Sauce (as per one’s desire)


Clean and wash the Oysters (remove any shell scraps). Boil the Oysters in little water about 1 cup. Drain and pat dry on paper towels.

Beat the eggs and add the corn starch paste to it. Add pepper, salt and turmeric powder and stir. Keep aside.

Place a pan on stove. Add 2 tblsp of Olive Oil. When hot add chopped onion, chopped chilli and chopped garlic. Fry for a minute and then add the boiled oysters. Fry on one side for 30 secs and then turn over. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and swirl the pan to turn all round. Sprinkle the chopped spring onion, coriander leaves and garam masala over the omelette. When the sides start leaving the pan and the underside is fried, turn the omelette over and fry for another 45 secs. Flip it over and remove to a plate. You can spread some chilli sauce or sweet chilli sauce if you want.