Tag Archives: Chorizo Omelette



100 gms Chorizo or Sausages cut into small rings

4 Eggs beaten well

1/3 cup Milk

Below ingredients same for both types

1/2 Onion chopped

1/4 Chopped Capsicum

1/2 chopped tomato

1 inch ginger chopped

1 green chilli chopped

1 heaped tablespoon Butter

salt and pepper 1/2 tsp each

3 pitted olives sliced

250 gms grated Mozzarella Cheese

1/2 tsp garam masala or Cayenne Pepper

Cilantro (coriander leaves) or Parsley chopped

Mushroom Omelette

100 gms Mushrooms cut into slices

3 Eggs beaten well

Other ingredients (see above)


Heat a pan and add the butter. Then add the onion and fry for a minute. Then add the capsicum and fry. Now add the ginger, chilli and tomato. Fry for 2 minutes. Now add the Chorizo or Mushroom and fry.

Beat the eggs and add salt and pepper. Now add the milk and mix. Pour this mixture into the pan. Spread the sliced olives. Cook on slow flame for 4 minutes. Now spread 250 gms grated Mozzarella Cheese over the omelette. Sprinkle garam masala or Cayenne Pepper and then sprinkle the chopped cilantro or parsley or both. Cook on slow flame for 4 minutes.

Remove and cut into pizza slices and serve.