Category Archives: Seafood

Prawn Vindaloo

Prawn Vindaloo



800 gms Tiger Prawns (shelled and deveined) (wash, marinate with ½ tsp turmeric and ½ tsp salt, keep aside for 15 minutes)


12 Red Chillies (Kashmiri)

15 Pepper Corns

1/2 Tsp of Cumin Seeds

1/2Tsp Turmeric Powder

1 marble sized Tamarind

4 green chillies

2 Onions

8 seeds garlic

1 inch ginger

8 cloves

2 sticks cinnamon

1 cup vinegar

Other Ingredients:

400 gms Potatoes peeled and cut into thick round slices

Quarter cup Oil

1 Onion (minced)

3 tbsp vinegar

1 tsp sugar

2 tsp Salt




Grind all the ingredients using the vinegar and some water. Keep aside. Also keep aside the masala water from the grinder.

Fry the sliced potatoes and then the marinated prawns. Keep aside.

Heat a vessel and add the oil in which prawns were fried. Add more oil if required. When hot add minced onion and one tsp salt. When onion becomes slightly brown add the ground masala. Fry for about 45 minutes. If the mixture dries up add masala water. When the masala turns brown add the fried prawns and fry for 5 minutes. Add sugar, salt and vinegar. Add one cup water and when boiling add potatoes thick gravy. Boil for another 5 minutes until the potatoes are well mixed in the gravy.

Crunchy Walnut Salad with Avocado Dressing

Crunchy Walnut Salad with Avocado Dressing - Copy


1 Cup of Canned Beans

1 Cup of Chopped Capsicum (Red, Yellow, Green)

1 Red Onion (Chopped)

1 Cup Corn

1 Cup Chopped Spring Onion

1 Cup Chopped Lettuce

1 Cup Chopped Parsley

1 Cup Coriander Leaves

1 Tomato Chopped

1 cup Roasted Walnut (in butter)

1 cup Dip Chips ( packet) – any crunchy chips


1 Avocado (Scoop out)

1 Clove Garlic

½ cup Olive oil

Juice of one lemon

Few leaves coriander

½ tsp salt

½ tsp pepper powder

Method: Mix all the vegetables. Add the lettuce, parsley, Avocado dressing, walnuts just before serving. Garnish with Walnuts and coriander leaves. Mix and serve.

PS: You can add Chicken (Boiled, Boneless Tandoori, Roasted), Shrimps etc to make salad of your choice.

Butterfly Garlic Prawns

Butterfly Garlic Prawns


20 Tiger Prawns (Butterflied)- see video

Marinate with 1/2 tsp salt, 2 tblsp Olive Oil, juice of one lime, 1 tsp Pepper Powder, cover and place in  refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours or overnight

Butter Garlic Paste

6 tablespoon Butter (salted or unsalted)

1 tsp salt if butter is unsalted

6 cloves garlic – roughly chopped

½ inch ginger – roughly chopped

Few coriander leaves

A little parsley

Above to be ground into paste

Place the butterfly prawns in a baking tray. Drop little of the paste into each of the prawns. Preheat oven 250 degrees and grill the prawns for about 5 minutes. Remove and serve, garnish with parsley or coriander leaves.


Lamb Liver Curry


1 Kg Lamb Liver (can be made up of Liver, Heart and Lungs)

For this Recipe I used Liver and two Hearts.

Cut the liver and heart into small cubes – wash and keep aside


Green Masala

1.5 medium onions

1 inch ginger

6 Green Chillies

6 cloves garlic

All above to be minced or chopped fine


20 Red Chillies

15 Pepper Corns

2 Tbsp. Coriander Seeds

1 Tsp of Cumin Seeds

½ Tsp Turmeric Powder

3 marble sized Tamarind

Other Ingredients:

400 gms Potatoes peeled and cut into small cubes

2 Tbsp. of Ghee or Clarified Butter

1/2 Onion (minced)

3 tbsp vinegar

1 Can (425 ml) of Coconut Milk (2/3 used for thin juice and 1/3 thick juice)


Roast on a pan each ingredient for grinding separately (except Tamarind and Turmeric).Grind all the ingredients using some water. Keep aside. Also keep aside the masala water from the grinder.

Heat a vessel and drop in the Ghee or Clarified Butter. When hot add minced onion and one tsp salt. When onion becomes slightly brown add the ground masala. Fry for about 5 minutes. Add masala water and thin coconut milk (2/3 of the coconut milk mixed with one cup of water). Add the liver and heart pieces. Boil for 20 minutes and then add the green masala, potatoes and vinegar. Boil for another 10 minutes until the potatoes are cooked.

Check for Salt and Vinegar-to taste. Add the thick coconut milk. Mix well and bring to boil.

Fish Cutlets



½ Kg Fish Meat (used Basa Fillet, can use other like Tuna)


1.5 Onions

4 green Chillies

1½ inch ginger

1 bunch Coriander Leaves

All above to be minced fine

1 Egg

3 slices of bread

250 gms Potatoes- (boiled and peeled)

½ tsp Sugar

½ tsp Pepper Powder

½ tsp Turmeric Powder

½ tsp Cumin seed Powder

Alternatively use 2 tsp Stew powder

Vinegar and salt to taste

Toast Powder (bread crumbs)


Cut the fish into big pieces and then boil in little water along with a little turmeric, salt and pepper powder. Remove the fish and reserve the gravy for the bread. Mash the boiled potatoes. Flake the fish with a fork and add the fish to the mashed potatoes. Mince all the green masala. Broil the green masala and add to the mixture. Soak the bread in the gravy (the water in which fish was boiled). Squeeze out the water, break the bread into pieces and add to the mixture. Add egg, vinegar, powders, salt, and sugar and mix together.  Make small balls (if there is excess water, add bread crumbs). Form cutlets dipping in bread crumbs – on a cutting board, using a broad knife and your other hand to shape them.

Heat frying pan, add about 1.5 tbsp oil and shallow fry the cutlets on both sides. Remove to a paper towel to take off excess oil.

Spice To Y0ur Taste Seafood Mariner

2015-11-22 10.05.24.jpg

Video Link

Spice To Your Taste Seafood Mariner

400 Grams Fresh Seafood Mariner (should be available in Deli section in Supermarket) otherwise can use Prawns, Mussels etc.


1 ½ Big Onions

1 two inch piece ginger

1 Pod Garlic (10 flakes) – (optional)

3 Green Chillies (according to spice requirements)

1 Big Tomato

A big bunch of fresh coriander leaves

2 sprigs Curry Leaves (optional)

All the above ingredients to be chopped fine

½ Tsp Black Pepper Powder

½ Tsp Red Chilli Powder (according to spice requirements, may be skipped)

¾ Tsp Turmeric Powder

Salt (1tsp)

3 Tablespoons Oil


Heat the 3 tablespoons oil in a deep pan or Wok. When hot add chopped garlic and fry slightly. Add the chopped ginger and chopped green chillies and continue frying for a minute. Add the chopped onions and 1 tsp of salt. The salt will bring out the moisture in the onions and quicken the frying process. When the onion in the mixture has lost its rawness, add chopped curry leaves and fry well till slightly brown.

Now add the powders, mix well and add chopped tomatoes. Mix and allow cooking for 3 minutes, adding the chopped coriander leaves, mixing and cooking for another 3 minutes. Add water if required (if the mixture dries up).

Add the Seafood Mariner and mix well. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes (according to your flame-Gas cooks faster). Do not overcook (the squid and mussels will become rubbery). Check for salt (though not required) and if you want it to be more sour, add vinegar to taste (one tomato makes it sufficiently sour). If you want slight gravy add little water.

Turn the flame off and allow cooking further in its own heat.