Salt and chilli paste (meet mirsang)


60 grams of Kashmiri Chillies

40 grams of Red Chillies

1 Pod Garlic

3 Spoons Salt

1 Spoon Cumin Seed or Jeera

Half Cup White Vinegar diluted with another half cup of water

All the above to be ground fine in diluted vinegar. When done, remove and bottle it for future use.

Used in curries, frying fish, for vegetables, frying baja’s or pakoras

Rice pancakes (panpole)


750 grams of Basmati Rice

Salt to taste


Soak the rice for 12 hours. Grind with water and little salt. It should be watery consistency. Should not be thick.

Heat up a pan. Brush little oil. When it is hot, pour a ladle of batter into the pan and twirl the pan for the batter to cover the whole pan. Cover with lid and let it fry for a couple of minutes. Use a metal spatula to remove and place it on plate and wait for it to cool down.

Fold the pancake into half and then again into quarter.

Same pancakes can be used for a Pancake Tuesday Pancake or Shrove Tuesday Pancakes. Make a mixture of Scraped Jaggery and Scraped Coconut. Once the panpole has been removed from Pan and placed on a plate, spread a little of the coconut/jaggery mixture across the panpole. Now fold in the edges a little and then roll the panpole. Your Shrove Tuesday Pancake is ready