
1/2 Kg Prawns (used Tiger Prawns) peeled, deveined and washed. I cut them into two bits length they are too big. You can use shrimps and need not cut into pieces.

Grind: 6 Cloves Garlic, 1 inch ginger, 1 tsp red chilli powder, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 1 tsp coriander powder, 1 tsp garam masala powder, 1/2 tsp salt and little lime juice. Make a paste and apply to the Prawns and keel aside for at least 20 minutes.

1.5 Large Chopped Onions

6 green chillies Sliced

20 curry leaves

1 sprig of coriander leaves for garnishing

Keep a deep pan and add 3 tblsps of oil and when hot add the chopped onions. When brown add the sliced green chillies and fry till they brown. Add 1/2 tsp Red chilli powder, 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder, 1/2 salt. Mix well and fry.

Add mixture of marinated prawns, mix well and fry for 3 minutes. Add the masala water and then cover and cook for another 3 minutes. Now open the lid and keep frying till dry. Add curry leaves and continue frying. Add 1/2 tsp garam masala powder and 1/2 tsp coriander powder. Add chopped coriander leaves, mix well and remove from flame



1 Kg Prawns (used Tiger Prawns) peeled, deveined and washed. I cut them into three bits as they are too big. You can use shrimps and need not cut

1/2 inch Ginger

6 cloves Garlic

Dry Roast the below items

10 Red chillies

1 inch stick of Cinnamon

2 tsps of Pepper Corns

1 Spoon of Mustard Seeds

1 Spoon of Cumin Seeds or Jeera

8 cloves

Grind the roasted items along with ginger, garlic and vinegar to a paste.

Marinate the prawns with turmeric powder, salt and vinegar

Keep a pan on the stove and add 2 tbsps and when hot fry the marinated prawns slightly and remove, if required in batches.

Add 2 tblsps of oil and add 2.5 large chopped onions and fry for about 5 minutes. Add 2 sprigs curry leaves and fry for a minute. Add a can of chopped tomatoes about 400 gms or 3 to 4 tomatoes, continue frying for 5 minutes. Mix and fry. Add the masala and masala water and mix well and fry till oil separates. Add the fried prawns and mix well and fry for another five minutes. Check for salt and vinegar and continue frying. Remove from flame



1/2 Kg Veal sliced finely

250 grams Shiitake Mushrooms


1/4 Cup Maida or all purpose flour

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp white pepper

Mix well and then dip the sliced veal slices in the mixture.

Heat a pan and add a tbslp of olive oil. Fry the Veal slices in this oil in batches. Fry for a minute on each side and remove

Add another tbsp Olive Oil and fry the mushrooms and remove.

In one cup of hot water add two cubes of beef stock to make liquid stock.

Add 1 cup red wine to the pan, one tblsp of honey, beef stock, half cup water, 2 tblsp of lime juice. Cook for 7 to 8 minutes. Add 1/2 tsp white pepper. Stir in 1/3 cup of butter (salted or unsalted). Keep stirring until butter dissolves.

Add fried Veal pieces and fried mushrooms and cook in this mixture till they are coated. The gravy will thicken as the veal has the app purpose flour. Remove when the gravy is thick.



1/2 Kg Beef cut into cubes

Marinated with the below for 1/2 hour

1 tsp Coriander Powder

1/2 tsp Cumin Powder

1/2 tsp garam masala powder

1/2 tsp chilli powder

1/2 tsp turmeric powder

1/2 tsp salt

little vinegar


2 Tomatoes chopped

Curry Leaves

Mustard Seeds


Pressure cook the marinated beef pieces for 5 whistles. Heat up the pan and fry the beef curry till it becomes dry.

Heat a small pan and add little oil. Add mustard seeds and curry leaves. Now add two chopped tomatoes. Fry for two minutes and add to the beef. Mix well. Check for Salt and Vinegar. Kerala Beef Fry is ready.



1 Kg chicken cut into medium pieces

2 Onions Sliced and fried crisp

6 green chillies

4 cloves garlic

1 inch ginger

1 tbsp of coriander seeds

1 tsp of cumin seeds

8 pepper corns

8 Green Cardamom

1 inch Cinnamon sticks

6 cloves

a little vinegar

salt to taste

3 tblsp of oil


Dry roast the coriander, cumin, pepper corns, cardamom, cinnamon and cloves. Dry grind this and then add ginger, garlic, green chillies and little water and grind to fine paste. Add this to the chicken pieces, 1 tblsp salt and two tblsp vinegar and keep aside for sometime, 15 minutes.

Heat up 3 tblsp of oil in a pan and then add the marinated chicken pieces. On medium heat stir fry the chicken. Add the marinade and a little water if required. Continue cooking while stirring occasionally and allow the water to dry up. Add salt and vinegar if required. When done remove into a serving dish and garnish with fried onions and coriander leaves.



1.5 Kg Chicken Pieces marinated with half cup yoghurt, a little turmeric powder and 1 tsp salt and kept in refrigerator overnight

1.5 pods garlic chopped

3 inch ginger chopped

3 green chillies chopped

2 large onions finely chopped

Few curry leaves (Optional)

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp of Kashmiri Powder

1.5 tsp of Red Chilli Powder

2 tsp of coriander powder

1 tsp of cumin seed powder

1 tsp of black pepper powder

1 tsp of garam masala

2 tsp of salt

2 tomatoes chopped.

little vinegar

1 cup Milk or Coconut Milk


Place a deep pan or vessel on stove. Add one spoon of ghee or clarified butter. When ghee is hot add onions, ginger, garlic and green chillies and fry till brown. Add few curry leaves and fry for a minute.

Add all powders except garam masala. Add salt and chopped tomatoes and mix well and fry. When you have a good paste and oil separates. Add water if required. Now add the chicken pieces and mix well. On high flame cook the chicken for about 15 minutes. When it is cooked add 2 tblsp vinegar and 1 cup milk. Mix well and keep on slow fire for 10 minutes. Sprinkle Garam Masala Powder and Coriander leaves, mix and remove the vessel from stove.



1.5 KG Chicken Pieces


1/4 Cup Dark Soy Sauce

4 tblsp Light Soy Sauce

4 tblsp Worcestershire Sauce

4 tblsp Oyster Sauce

3 Big Onions cut into medium cubes

2.5 inches ginger chopped

3 green chillies chopped

1.5 pod garlic chopped

3 Green Capsicum cut into cubes

A sprig Curry Leaves ( Optional)

Few coriander leaves for garnishing.


Mix the Chicken Pieces in the marinade and place in refrigerator overnight or at least 3 hours.

Place a pan on stove and add 4 tblsp of oil. When hot add garlic, ginger and green chillies and fry for a couple of minutes. Now add the onions and fry till the onions become slightly brown. Now add the marinated chicken pieces. Mix and fry well, continuing stir frying the chicken and green masala till the Chicken get sealed. If required add more dark soy sauce. Now close with a lid and cook the chicken till 3/4 done.

Now add the Capsicum and Curry Leaves. Mix well and cook for some more time till the chicken is fully cooked. (when the flesh from the chicken legs leaves the bone near the joint, a sign that the chicken has cooked). Now add chopped coriander leaves and then put off the flame.

prawn salad


6 Big Tiger Prawns

1 tsp Chilli Powder

1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder

1/2 tsp Salt

a little Vinegar

1/4 cup Rice Flour

1 Onion

2 Green Chillies


Peel the Prawns, devein, wash and then cut along the spine of the prawn (not cut through) and then flatten it. You can say butterfly the Prawns.

Make a paste of Chilli Poder, Turmeric Powder, Salt and Vinegar. Dip the prawns in this paste and keep aside for 10 minutes. Peel and slice the onion into thin rings. Slice the green chillies into two. Heat up a frying pan and add little oil. When it is hot add onions and chillies and slightly fry and remove them (only to remove the rawness). Add little oil and fry the prawns. Dip the prawns in Rice Flour and fry each side for 3 to 4 minutes. Remove the fried prawns into a serving dish. Add the fried onion rings and green chillies. Add little salt and little lime juice and mix.

This can be served as a hot dish or cold dish. If you want to serve as cold dish, place in refrigerator for some time before serving.

sannas (Urid Dhal)


3 cups of Idli Rice

1 Cup of Ponni Parboiled Rice or Basmati Rice

1/2 Cup of Urid Dhal


Wash and soak each of the above separately for about 6 hours or overnight. Later grind them separately with water, Urid Dhal, Ponni Rice and Idli Rice. Mix them and add 1.5 tsp salt, 2 tsp sugar and Active Yeast.

Active Yeast: In a bowl add about 5 table spoons warm water (not hot), 1 tsp Active Yeast and 1 tsp sugar. When the yeast starts rising in a minute or so, add to the batter and mix well.

The batter should not be too thin. Keep it for around six hours until it starts rising. The Containers : apply little oil and then pour batter into them, about half the container. Now start steaming the Sannas in a Steamer or Tondor. Add water to the bottom section of the steamer and when it is hot, place the Sannas Containers in which the batter has been poured in the top section of the steamer and steam them for 20 minutes.

Prepare a tray adding cold water and ice. After the Sannas are steamed, place the containers in the cold water for it to cool down. Now remove them and place them on a clean cloth with the bottom of the containers facing up. Now place a wet cloth on top of it and let it cool down.

You can now remove the Sannas from the containers. You can do so by either tapping them on your palm, they will come off easily. If not use a butter knife and turn the knife along the edges of the containers to loose the Sannas and then remove them.



One Cup of Semolina or Sojee or Rava

One Onion finely Chopped

Two Green Chillies Finely Chopped

1 inch ginger finely chopped

1 Sprig Curry Leaves

1/2 tsp of Mustard Seeds

1/2 Tsp of Urid Dhal (Black Gram)

Few Cashewnuts for garnishing

Few Coriander Leaves for garnishing


Salt to taste


Roast the Semolina not burnt it and remove. Add oil and when hot, add Curry Leaves, Mustard and Urid Dhal. When the mustard starts spluttering and Urid Dhal becomes brown add the chopped Onions, ginger and chillies and fry for sometime. When the Onion has lost its rawness, add the roasted Semolina and mix. Fry for sometime. Add little salt (1 Tsp).

Add two cups boiled hot water and mix well. Keep stirring and now add roasted cashewnuts. You may add a spoon of sugar. Put off flame and garnish with chopped coriander leaves