Tag Archives: Video Recipe



1 Kg of Seafood Mariner (mixture of cleaned and washed prawns, squid, mussels). You can get it in supermarkets.

15 Round Beans sliced diagonally

1 Green Pepper or Capsicum cut into strips

1 Carrot cut into fingers

2 Onions chopped into cubes

2 Tomatoes chopped

Bunch of Coriander leaves for garnishing

Seasoning: 1 Spoon Mustard Seeds, 2 sprigs curry leaves, oil

little lime juice


6 green chillies

2 inch ginger

3/4 Pod Garlic

Bunch of Coriander leaves

25 mint leaves

6 Red Chillies

1.5 spoon coriander seeds

1 tsp Turmeric Powder

2 tblsp vinegar and water

Grind the above and remove. Remove the masala water.


Marinate the seafood mariner with a paste of little masala water, 1/2 spoon turmeric powder, 1 spoon of coriander powder, 1/2 spoon of chilli powder, 1/4 spoon salt. Marinate for 20 minutes.

Fry the seafood mariner slightly and remove (fry in batches).

In a Pan add oil and Season with curry leaves and mustard seeds, add the ground masala and fry for few minutes. Add the cubed onions and fry and two chopped tomatoes and fry till tomatoes are cooked. Add Carrots and fry for three minutes and then add beans and fry for two minutes. Add the Capsicum and fry for 4 minutes. Add the fried seafood mariner and mix well . Fry for three minutes. Check for salt and add lime juice. Sprinkle chopped coriander leaves and remove from flame.

Tortillas (you get a pack in supermarket)

On a pan heat up the tortillas on both sides. Add seafood mariner to the tortilla and fold the sides and roll the tortilla. Place it on the Pan or sandwich press and grill it.



600 gms Lean Pork cut into small cubes

Add 1/2 tsp of Salt, 1 tsp of Cumin Powder, 1/2 turmeric Powder, 1 tsp of Coriander Powder, 1/2 tsp chilli powder, 1/2 tsp garam masala powder. Marinate the meat for 5 minutes

In a deep pan add 2 tablespoons of oil and fry the marinated pork pieces in batches for 6 minutes till slightly brown and remove.

Add to the same pan 1 tblsp oil and fry 1 chopped red onion for two minutes. Add 4 chopped garlic, 1 inch chopped ginger. Fry for 30 seconds. Add the fried pork pieces and fry. Add 1 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt and 400 ml coconut milk. Let it cook on slow flame for 25 minutes. Add 1/2 of pepper powder, juice of 1 lime and mix well and garnish with coriander leaves.



900 gms of Beef cut into cubes, 1 tsp of Salt, 2 tsp of Pepper Powder, 1 tsp of turmeric powder and little vinegar. To be pressure cooked for 15 minutes.


Heat a pan and add 2 tablespoons of oil. When hot add 2 sliced onions and fry for 2 minutes. Add 12 chopped garlic, 2 inches of chopped ginger and 3 chopped green chillies. Fry two minutes and add 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 2 tsps pepper powder. Mix and add 3 chopped tomatoes. Fry for two minutes and add boiled meat. Add 1 tsp of pepper powder and 1 tsp of garam masala powder. Add all the boiled meat gravy and continue frying till dry (if dry version) or stop when the gravy is slightly thicker (for gravy version). Sprinkle with a bunch of chopped coriander leaves.

You can add a couple of potatoes, cut into small cubes and boiled. Add when you add the boiled meat gravy (this is optional)



750 gms of Goat or Lamb cut into small pieces

3/4 Cup Desiccated Coconut, Brown it slightly and grind with little water to make a paste

Make a Paste:

2 medium Onions(chopped), 8 cloves garlic, 2 inch ginger, 6 red chillies, 1 lemongrass. Make paste and keep aside

Pound one lemongrass stick in a mortar and pestle


In a pressure pan, heat 2 tablespoons oil. Add 8 cloves, 1 stick cinnamon, 4 green cardamon, 3 star anise, Add the ground paste and on medium flame fry till the rawness goes. Add lamb or goat pieces, pounded lemongrass, mix well and fry for a minute. Add tamarind paste, 1 cup Coconut Milk and 1/2 cup masala water and cook on slow flame for 15 minutes.

Cut 6 kafir leaves into strips, 15 curry leaves cut into strips. Add this to the gravy, along with 1 tablespoon of lime juice, 1 tsp salt, 1 tblsp palm sugar. Mix well. Add coconut paste. Mix well and cook for two minutes. Close the pressure pan and cook for 12 whistles (depending on the meat used). Open and cook without the lid till the water dries up. The curry will turn brown. Stir occasionally. Keep frying till it becomes more brown. Take off the flame and sprinkle with a bunch of chopped coriander leaves. If you prepare this a day in advance, it tastes better.



750 gms Beef Pieces, any tender cuts

Marinate with the below ingredients for about 2 hours (Min 30 minutes)

8 cloves minced garlic

2 tsps of pepper powder

2 tsp of sugar

3 tblsp of Soy Sauce

2 tblsp Oyster Sauce

1 .5 tblsp Red Wine Vinegar

Other Ingredients

2 small red onions sliced into rings an 5 cloves garlic

Make a sauce of the below and immerse the sliced onions and garlic in this mixture and keep aside

1 tblsp white vinegar

1 tblsp Oyster Sauce

2 tblsp Soy Sauce

2 tsp Sugar


A rocket ( Salad Leaves) cut into smaller bits.

2 sliced Sliced Tomatoes

Spread the salad leaves on a serving tray and on top of it place the sliced tomatoes.

Heat up a wok and add little oil. When hot add the marinated beef (fry in batches). Fry for a few minutes and fry till the meat is charred slightly (2 to 3 minutes) turn it over and char it on other side. Shake the meat and toss it for 4 to 5 minutes remove it onto the serving tray. After all the meat is fried. Fry the marinated onions for a few minutes and spread it on top of the meat.

Garnish with Coriander Leaves (Optional)



3 Cups of Ponni Boiled Rice or any Boiled Rice. Washed and soaked for at least 3 hours or overnight.

2 tsps Salt

2 cups of scraped Coconut

Banana Leaves, washed and wiped to have them dry.


Grind the soaked rice dry adding little salt. Add scraped coconut to the batter and then spread required quantities onto the banana leaves. Don’t make them too thick. On top of the batter put another banana leaf. Make as many as you can.

Heat a Tawa, When the Tawa is hot, place the banana leaf with the batter in it on the tawa. When the Banana leaf at the bottom slightly burns, turn it over and fry on the other side. Remove the banana leaves and fry the bhakri till you get a slight burnt texture. Remove

Variations and consumption:

The same batter if you add scraped jaggery will become a sweet dish.

You can cut the Bhakri in four or six parts. The Bhakri is a good accompaniment for any thick curry, Pork Sorpotel, Pork Bafat etc.

You can also have this for breakfast or afternoon tea. Cut each part in the middle to make a pocket. Apply Ghee and sugar and eat it. You can also eat it with any syrup or ginger preserve.



1 Kg of Mutton (Goat) or Lamb ( pressure cook with 1/2 tsp salt , 2 spoons vinegar and 1 tsp pepper powder, for 6 to 8 whistles)

2 Onions Finely chopped

3 large tomatoes chopped

1.5 tsp red chilli powder

1 tsp of turmeric powder

1 tsp of Fennel Powder (Sauf)

1 Spoon of Coriander Powder

1 bay leaf, 5 cloves and 4 green cardamom, one stick cinnamon

A bunch of Chopped coriander Leaves

2 tsp garam masala powder


5 Red Chillies

5 Kashmiri Chillies

1 tsp Kuskus

1 tsp Cumin Seeds

1 tsp Fennel Seeds

1/2 tsp Pepper Corns

6 cloves

2 inches Cinnamon Sticks

1 cup grated coconut and 1/2 tsp turmeric powder

All to be dry roasted separately and then ground with

2 inch of ginger & 12 cloves garlic to make the masala.


Heat a heavy bottom vessel and add 3 tblsp oil. When hot add bay leaf, 5 cloves, 4 green cardamom and 1 stick cinnamon. Fry for 30 seconds and then add chopped onions. Fry onions till brown, add ground masala. Mix and fry on slow flame for 10 minutes. Add masala water if the masala dries up. Add the boiled meat, mix and fry for 3 to 4 minutes. Add all the spices and fry for 2 to 3 minutes and add tomatoes. Add masala water and the water from boiled meat and cook on slow flame for 15 minutes. Fry till it becomes slightly dry, add garam masala powder and coriander leaves. Cook for few more minutes and remove.



700 gms of Eye Fillet (cooking time less) or any other beef cuts.

2 tblsp of Garam Masala

200 gms chopped tomatoes

3/4 tsp of turmeric powder

2 sliced medium onions

1 tsp of Salt

little oil

Method: Cut the beef into small cubes and marinate with half tsp of pepper powder and little salt.

Heat up a deep pan, add 2 tblsp of oil, add the sliced onions and little salt. Fry till onions are brown. Add turmeric and garam masala powders and 2 tblsp water and fry for 3 minutes. Add the chopped tomatoes, mix well and fry for 5 minutes. Add the marinated meat and fry for 25 minutes or longer till meat is cooked. Add water if required. Sprinkle chopped coriander leaves mix and remove from flame.



Eye Fillet cut into 1 inch thick slices

sprinkle little salt and pepper

Two soup cubes mixed in 3 cups of water

1 medium onion chopped fine,

6 flakes garlic chopped fine

1 inch ginger chopped fine

few coriander leaves, chopped

1/4 cup Red Wine Vinegar

1.5 tblsp of standard flour or maida mixed in warm water .

Fry the slices on a pan adding little olive oil for a minute on each side. Place on a baking tray or dish and then bake in oven for 15minutes.

In the deep pan add 2 tblsp of olive oil. Add chopped onions and fry for two minutes. Add ginger and garlic and fry for a minute. Add the stock and boil for 5 minutes. Add chopped coriander leaves and boil for 2 minutes. Add Red Wine Vinegar. Boil and now add the standard flour mixture. Let it thicken slightly and now add the steaks to the gravy and boil for a minute.



1 Kg of Jeera Rice (5 Cups), washed and soaked in water for 30 minutes

1.25 Kg Beef Cubes (marinated garam masala, ginger garlic paste, turmeric powder and salt)

Garam Masala: 1 tsp of Kuskus, 1 Star Anise, 2 inch stick of Cinnamon, 5 green Cardamom, 6 cloves, 1 tsp of fennel seeds. Ground to fine Powder.

Use 3 tsps of the garam masala powder, 4 tsps of ginger garlic paste (5 cloves garlic, 1 inch ginger ginger garlic paste), 1 tsp salt and 3/4 turmeric powder. Add to beef cubes and marinate for 3 minutes.

Into the jar with the remaining ginger garlic paste, add 6 to 7 green chillies and make a paste.

Method: Place a pressure pan on the stove and add marinated beef pieces and little water and pressure cook for 4 whistles. Place a pressure cooker on the stove. Add 4 tablespoons of Ghee. When hot the following spices: 1 tsp of Fennel seeds, 8 Green Cardamom, 2 pepper corns, 10 cloves, 1.5 inch of Cinnamon stick and 1 star anise. Fry for a minute.

Add the drained rice and fry for a few minutes. Add 8 cups of hot water and 1 cup of beef stock (from the boiled meat). Add 1 tsp of Salt. Mix well and close and pressure cook on slow flame (4 minutes) for 1 whistle. Keep aside for 20 minutes to cool down.

Add the drained rice and fry for a few minutes. Add 8 cups of hot water and 1 cup of beef stock (from the boiled meat). Add 1 tsp of Salt. Mix well and close and pressure cook on slow flame (4 minutes) for 1 whistle. Keep aside for 20 minutes to cool down. Open the pressure cooker with rice and spread the rice onto a tray.

Place a vessel on the stove and add 4 tablespoons of ghee. When hot add and fry half cup of Cashewnuts and remove and then half cup of Raisins or Sultanas, fry and remove. Now add the mixture of ginger, garlic, grenn chilli paste and fry for 30 seconds. Add 4 sliced onions and 1 tsp of salt. Let it fry till golden brown.

Add 1 tsp of pepper powder and 3/4 tsp of turmeric powder. Add 400 gms chopped tomatoes, mix well and let it cook on medium flame for 5 minutes till oil separates. Add half cup of beaten yoghurt. Mix well and add ground garam masala (the remaining). Add 1/4 cup coriander leaves and 2 tblsp chopped mint. Add boiled beef, mix well and add remaining gravy and let it cook for 10 to 15 minutes, until beef has cooked. Add water if it becomes dry.

Make layers of rice and beef gravy. In a big vessel, add one layer of beef gravy, on top some rice, sprinkle some fried onions (supermarket) or make some fried onions. Sprinkle chopped coriander leaves, mint, cashewnuts, raisins, 2 tsps of ghee. sprinkle milk (saffron threads). Make next layer of the same. If any remaining beef and rice, make a third layer. Add few blobs of ghee on top. Close with Aluminium foil and then the lid, so the steam does not escape. Keep on slow flame for five minutes. Open and mix well.

Serve with Raita (Yoghurt, onion, tomatoes, cucumber mixture)