Tag Archives: Tortillas



1 Kg of Seafood Mariner (mixture of cleaned and washed prawns, squid, mussels). You can get it in supermarkets.

15 Round Beans sliced diagonally

1 Green Pepper or Capsicum cut into strips

1 Carrot cut into fingers

2 Onions chopped into cubes

2 Tomatoes chopped

Bunch of Coriander leaves for garnishing

Seasoning: 1 Spoon Mustard Seeds, 2 sprigs curry leaves, oil

little lime juice


6 green chillies

2 inch ginger

3/4 Pod Garlic

Bunch of Coriander leaves

25 mint leaves

6 Red Chillies

1.5 spoon coriander seeds

1 tsp Turmeric Powder

2 tblsp vinegar and water

Grind the above and remove. Remove the masala water.


Marinate the seafood mariner with a paste of little masala water, 1/2 spoon turmeric powder, 1 spoon of coriander powder, 1/2 spoon of chilli powder, 1/4 spoon salt. Marinate for 20 minutes.

Fry the seafood mariner slightly and remove (fry in batches).

In a Pan add oil and Season with curry leaves and mustard seeds, add the ground masala and fry for few minutes. Add the cubed onions and fry and two chopped tomatoes and fry till tomatoes are cooked. Add Carrots and fry for three minutes and then add beans and fry for two minutes. Add the Capsicum and fry for 4 minutes. Add the fried seafood mariner and mix well . Fry for three minutes. Check for salt and add lime juice. Sprinkle chopped coriander leaves and remove from flame.

Tortillas (you get a pack in supermarket)

On a pan heat up the tortillas on both sides. Add seafood mariner to the tortilla and fold the sides and roll the tortilla. Place it on the Pan or sandwich press and grill it.