Tag Archives: Steak in Gravy



Eye Fillet cut into 1 inch thick slices

sprinkle little salt and pepper

Two soup cubes mixed in 3 cups of water

1 medium onion chopped fine,

6 flakes garlic chopped fine

1 inch ginger chopped fine

few coriander leaves, chopped

1/4 cup Red Wine Vinegar

1.5 tblsp of standard flour or maida mixed in warm water .

Fry the slices on a pan adding little olive oil for a minute on each side. Place on a baking tray or dish and then bake in oven for 15minutes.

In the deep pan add 2 tblsp of olive oil. Add chopped onions and fry for two minutes. Add ginger and garlic and fry for a minute. Add the stock and boil for 5 minutes. Add chopped coriander leaves and boil for 2 minutes. Add Red Wine Vinegar. Boil and now add the standard flour mixture. Let it thicken slightly and now add the steaks to the gravy and boil for a minute.