Tag Archives: Chilli Fry



200 grams prawns (cleaned, deveined) cut into small bits.

300 grams squid tubes cut into small bits

Heat a pan. Add 2 tblsp coconut oil or any oil. Add 2 to 3 chopped onions and fry for some time. Add 3 chopped green chillies and 2 inches ginger chopped. 3 cloves chopped garlic. Fry for some time. Add salt and chilli paste. (1 tsp red chilli powder, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 3/4 tsp salt and little vinegar). Fry for couple of minutes. Add 2 chopped tomatoes and fry till you get a nice paste mixture. Add the prawns and squid and mix well and cook for 4 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped coriander leaves and serve.