
1.5 kgs Large Crabs Cleaned and cut into halves. Removed the legs and lightly mash the claws. Sprinkle 1/2 tsp salt and keep aside

3 tblsp oil and one tsp chilli oil

Sauce: Mix the below ingredients and reserve

4 tblspoons Soy Sauce

4 Tblspoons Oyster Sauce

2 tsp Sugar


1.5 spoons butter

2 inch chopped ginger

10 cloves chopped garlic

2 green chillies and 2 red chillies chopped

1 handful curry leaves

1 tsp corainder powder

2 tsps of Black Pepper Powder

1.5 tsp white pepper powder

3 chopped spring onions

1 bunch coriander leaves


Heat a pan and add 3 spoons oil and 1 spoons chilli oil. Fry the crabs in batches till they get a slightly orange colour and remove.

Add butter, ginger, garlic, chillies and curry leaves and fry. Add sauce and mix well. Cook for two minutes. Add coriander, black pepper and white pepper powders and mix well. Cook for a minute. Add the fried crabs and mix well to coat. Cook for a few minutes. Sprinkle the spring onions and coriander leaves and remove



Sajjige or Upma

1 Cup Semolina or Soji or Rava

2 Tablespoons Cashewnuts (optional)

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp of urid dhal

1 medium onion

1 inch ginger chopped

2 green chillies chopped

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp sugar

2 tblsp scraped coconut

small bunch chopped coriander leaves

3 tablespoons coconut oil or any oil or ghee


Roast the Rava slightly in a pan

Boil two cups of water. Heat a pan and add oil or Ghee. Fry the cashewnuts lightly and remove. Add mustard seeds, Urid Dhal, Chopped onion, ginger, chillies and fry for a minute. Add roasted rava and fry for two minutes. Add 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp sugar and mix well. Add the boiled water and allow to cook. Add the cashewnuts, scraped coconut and coriander leaves. Remove

Bajjil or Poha:

2 cups of thin beaten rice or poha

1 cup of scraped coconut.

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 tsp urid dhal

2 broken red chillies

1 spring curry leaves

1 medium onion chopped.

1 tsp coriander powder

1 tsp cumin seed powder

3/4 tsp red chilli powder

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp sugar

2 tablespoons coconut oil or any oil.


Heat a pan and add oil. Add 1 mustard seeds, Urid dhal, chillies, curry leaves. Fry for 30 seconds. Add chopped onion and fry for 2 minutes. Add coriander powder, cumin seed powder, chilli powder and fry.

in a mixing bowl add the thin poha and coconut and mix well. Add add salt and sugar. Add the fried mixture to this and mix well. You have Bajjil or poha.


Take a small round bowl or idli or sanna container, fill it with Upma (Sajjige) and drop onto a plate. Take required amount of Poha (Bajjil) and drop onto plate next to Upma. You have Sajjige Bajjil.